STIFTEROVE STVARI / STIFTER'S DINGE Koncepdja, muzika i rezija / Conception, music and direction: Heiner Goebbels
Scenografija, svetlo i video / Set design, light and video: Klaus Grünberg Muzicka saradnja, programiranje / Collaboration to music, programming: Hubert Machnik Dizajn zvuka / Sound design: Willi Bopp Asistent / Assistant: Matthias Mohr Uz umetnicku i tehnicku saradnju tima / With the artistic and technical collaboration of the team of the Théâtre deVidy Inspicijent / Stage manager: Marc Moureaux Robotika / Robotics: Thierry Kaltenrieder Tehnicar svetla / Light technician: Mattias Bovard Video: Jérôme Vernez Asistent inscipijenta / Assistant stage manager: Fabio Gaggetta, Jean-Daniel Buri Ton / Sound: Andrew Mikkelsen, Ludovic Gugliemazzi Muzicka supervizija / Musical supervision for the performance: Matthias Mohr, Hubert Machnik Tehnicki direktor/Technical director: Michel Beuchat Tour manager: Sylvain Didry Produkcija / Production: Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne Koprodukcija / Coproduction: spielzeit'europa I Berliner Festspiele, Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg, schauspielfrankfurt, T&M-Théâtre de Gennevilliers/CDN, Pour-cent culturel Migras ,Teatro Stabile di Torino Uz ucesce / Co-commission: Artangei London Predstavu podrzali / With the support of: Pro Helvetia - Fondation suisse pour la culture Trajanje / Duration: 1 h 20' Mesto izvodenja / Venue: Sava Centar Prevod i adaptacija intervjua sa Levi-Strosom / Translation of the interview with Lévi-Strauss and edited by: Lazar Secerovic Prevod Stifterovog teksta / Translation of Stifter's text by: Vera Konjovic