


Tragikomedija. Kontrastna slozenica trazi i kontrastnu sliku. Krenuvsi od komedije, trazeci simbol koji nije eksploatisan, dosao sam do decjeg bezazlenog ruganja. On se ogleda i u dinamici ruku, odnosno prstiju, koji u ovoj kompoziciji doprinose veselosti pajaca ili dvorske lude, koja salje vizueine pokrete i signale ludog bezazlenog coveka. Tragedija je vidna u prikazanom potiljku. Potiljakje negativan, nezainteresovan, pre svega neprijatan I, ima dovoljno urodenih odlika koje nas strecaju. On na plakatu predstavlja sredisnju tacku, koja emituje odbojnost. Izazvano je osecanje tragedije na plakatu iako mu tu nije mesto. Ruke sa strane stvaraju u nasoj percepciji bezazlenu grimasu na lieu, a zapravo izazivaju tugu. Istovremeno, kao prekidac, ta slika nas baca iz krajnosti u krajnost; ne mozemo biti sigurni preovladuje li, komedija ili tragedija? Ova slika se poigrava nasom percepcijom i zato je idealna za temu Tragikomedija - tragedija naseg vremena.f...) Ceo plakat je u korporativnim bojama Bitefa, a istovremeno i nastavak tradieije Masicevih plakata sa dominatnim krupnim kadrovima glave.(...) Logotip festivala je ugraden u sliku, kao i citava tipografija. Medu grafickim dizajnerima postoji termin za stil plakata -"bitefovski". Ovaj plakat je bitefovski. Slavisa Savic

Tragicomedy. A contrasting compound that requires a contrasting image. With comedy as my starting point, searching for a hitherto unexploited symbol, i arrived at children's innocent taunts. It is visible in the dynamics of the hands, or rather fingers, which to this composition bring the cheerfulness of a clown or a buffoon, and which send visual movements and signals of a mad innocent man. Tragedy is can be seen in the displayed nape. The nape is negative, uninterested, more than anything - unpleasant, and has plenty of inherent qualities which shock us. In the poster it represents a focal point, broadcasting repulsion. A sense of tragedy is produced even though it does not belong there. The hands on the side create in our perception an innocent grimace, but in reality they induce a feeling of sadness. At the same time, like a switch, this image sends us from one extreme to another; we cannot be certain which is more present, comedy or tragedy? This image plays with our perception and that is why it is ideal for the subject Tragicomedy - the tragedy of our times (...) Bitef colours cover the whole poster and at the same time it carries on the tradition of Masic's posters with dominant head close-ups. The festival logo was built into the picture as was the entire typography. Between graphic designers egzist term for typical poster style -"bitefian". This poster is "bitefian". Slavisa Savic