
January 2009,Teja Reba publicly counted and wrote down next to the date exactly 93 visitors, thus explicitly tying the reconstruction - in an obviously much smaller auditorium - to the current place and time. In addition to the "statistical" prologue, the framework of creating an exploratory, critical and, at times, ironical distance to the "object of reconstruction" includes also a "von Trieresque" merely verbal implication ofthe elements of the set (white curtains surrounding the set, tiles on the floor),the projection ofthe chosen quotations from Bojan Stih's text, the notes by the co-creators of the original performance and the critiques ofthe time onto the horizon behind the set and playing certain scenes from the preserved film recording on a small screen of a portable DVD player. Part ofthe framework ofthe always authentic and universally multi-layered artistic creation was, as on its opening night 37 year ago, above all the excellent acting, dancing and, at times, singing contribution of Jožica Avbelj, who, through memory, awakened and revived the once frank young rebel in her still satisfactorily elastic and expressive body, chillingly and conciliatorily upgrading it with a mature Becket-like life experience and lucidity. In addition to this, we should mention the noticeable dancing-acting-singing partner share of Teja Reba, who, with a performer's eagerness and the language of her personality, bravely followed in the footsteps of her predecessor's dance and theatre heritage. The acoustic instrumental and sound accompaniment and the devoted, harmonious performing partnership on stage throughout the performance was the work of Matjaž Jarc (also the author ofthe music) and Boštjan Narat. DUŠAN JOVANOVIĆ , rođen 1939, reditelj i dramski pisac. Diplomirao francuski i engleski jezik i književnost na Filološkom fakultetu Ljubljanskog univerziteta. Studirao pozorišnu režiju na Akademiji za pozorišnu umetnost, takođe na Ljubljanskom univerzitetu. Predavao je dramsko pisanje, režiju i glumu na Akademiji za pozorišnu umetnost u Ljubljani. Član je odbora Slovenačkog fiimskog fonda; bio je dugogodišnji predsednik Prešernove fondacije, umetnički direktor Eksperimentalnog gledališća Glej, Slovenskog mladinskog gledališča, suosnivač i direktor Pupilija Ferkewerkgledališča„. Njegovi komadi objavljeni su u zbirkama i posebnim izdanjima,antologijama slovenačke i jugoslovenske drame i književnim i pozorišnim časopisima na slovenačkom, srpskohrvatskom, engleskom, poljskom, nemačkom, mađarskom, češkom, italijanskom, francuskom, makedonskom i slovačkom jeziku. Režirao je više od sto pedeset delà jugoslovenskih i stranih autora (Cankar, Krleža, Nušić, Smole, Kovačević, Hieng, Svetina, Šeligo, Jesih, Jonesko, Vitrak, Šiler, Šekspir, Bihner, Strindberg, Gorki, Čehov, Gombrovič, Havel, Šepard, Olbi, О Nil, Molijer...) u profesionalnim pozorištima, i to u Ljubljani, Celju, Mariboru, Novoj Gorici, Trstu, Sarajevu, Zenici, Zagrebu, Beogradu,Subotici, Dubrovniku,Sent Etjenu i Beču. Dobitnikje mnogih uglednih nagrada i priznanja: Sterijinih, festivala MESS, nagrade 081 u Njujorku, slovenačke velike Nagrade „Slavko Grum" i drugih.