

ln 2009 Pogrebnichko produced a new version ofThe Three Sisters with graduates of his class at Shchukin School and provided them with the help of several old-timers of the ensemble. The outstanding training of his recent students is the best proof that Pogrebnichko's direction is not a game of marginal individuals turning every play into a nostalgic Soviet revue, but a well-established method requiring outstanding acting professionalism. in a few words, the director treats Chekhov's play like, some time ago, Paradzanov in his ingenious collages combining, say, a reproduction of Mona Lisa with shreds of lace and newspaper clips.. That is why Feramont, the servant, turning up from the house, comments about the director's invention, the small pension, which cannot buy even a laxative. Masha and Vershinin dance to a hackneyed romance and at the end we hear Salvatore Adamo's Tombe la neige, in any other theatre, it would look trite but here is looks like elegant irony... TRI SESTRE IJEDAN REDITEU Ova predstava poseduje čudesan"dar prisustva", koji predstave Pogrebnička čini izuzetno privlačnim, a tu su i čehovljevsko raspoloženje i duh. Čak i epigraf predstave, uzet od Kobajasi lsa:"Opet je proleće / Stiže nova glupost/da zameni staru"odlicno pristaje komadu i predstavi, u kojoj glumu tri mladeglumice izdaleka prate, setno zamišljene, glumice starijeg pokolenja, koje vise nikad neće igrati ove Čehovljeve junakinje. One dutke zagledaju debitantkinje i shvataju da je upravo na njima da sačuvaju vezu između vremena - sadašnjeg i onog prošlog, da je na njima da miadima prenesu tradiciju starog MHATa, na delu sa Stanislavskim i Nemirovičem-Dančenkom, slededi sve one koji su zajedno sa Čehovom i njegovim junacima otplovili sa Letom. Sve je to finim potezima naznadeno u giumi tri sjajne umetnice, Tatjane Loseve, Lilje Zagorske i Like Dobrjanske. Takvo rešenje, međutim, nije bib dovoljno Pogrebnidku. Vezu između prošlosti i sadašnjosti on istide time što radnju Čehovljeve drame stavlja u ram za izlet na neka mesta prohujalog sveta. Zavtra THREE SISTERS AND A DIRECTOR This production has the miraculous "gift of presence" vesting Pogrebnichko's productions with particular attractiveness, and it also has Chekhovian mood and atmosphere. Even the epigraph of the production taken over from Kobayashi Issa,"lt is spring again / new silliness comes / to replace the old"is remarkably suited to the play itself and the production where the performance of three young actresses playing the main characters is watched from afar and with nostalgic reflection by actresses of an older generation who will never again play these Chekhov's heroines. Silently gazing at the novices, they understand that it is up to them to preserve the link of times - the present and the past, which they lived to see. It is up to them to transmit to the young the traditions of the old MHÄT headed by Stanislavski and Nemirovich-Danchenko and all those who have sunk into oblivion together with Chekhov and his characters. All this is indicated with a fine stroke in the acting of the three remarkable actresses: Tatyana Loseva, Lilya Zagorska and Lika Dobryanska. But even this was not enough for Pogrebnichko. He further underlines the link between the past and the present by offering the action of the Chekhovian drama as if in the frame of an excursion around places of a vanished world. Zavtra