
Victor Frankestein, an idealist and a son of a famous physician, who, together with his younger brother, watched their mother die, decides to study medicine. He takes along books of occult sciences. In a laboratory, he conducts experiments and with the help of electric current creates a new man from parts of a body. When he realises that he has created a monster, he leaves him to die, but the monster is a quick learner and takes revenge on his creator. MARY SHELLEY (1797 - 1851), daughter of the British philosopher William Godwin and the writer and feminist Wollstonecraft Goldvin, left England with one of the greatest poets Percy Bysshe Shelley. She married him in 1818 when she also wrote her most important and best-known novel Frankestein, an outstanding achievement for a 20-year-old. The book was immensely successful with the readers and the critics and has been since dramatized many times over for theatre and film. Her Frankenstein came to epitomize achievements which destroy their makers. She wrote four other novels, travel books, stories, poems and autobiographical Lodore but none of them enjoyed the success of her first book Frankestein. KENNETH BRANAGH (I 960), British actor, director and producer of Irish origin, gained fame with his roles and film adaptations of Shakespeare's plays. With his film about Frankenstein he has returned to the original source of the story.

I don't go around saying: "Hello, did you know I'm the new Olivier?" Kenneth Branagh