

Why do we not follow ourT'and why do we, ever more often, lose ourrselves in“we"without thinking, to thus become a part of an immense throng of faceless individuals. The focus is on the male-female relationships and the role of media in them. How do the television and press affect our lives and our perception of the world and everyday life? Is it worse today to have cellulite on the buttocks or on the brain or is it sometimes better to have it in the head in order to find/keep "the real one". The Orange Peel asks the question of our lives under the tabloid pressure. It is a women's play which goes into the question as to whether a woman is enough of a woman if she does not look 'tabloid', if she does not follow the biddings and standards imposed by this crazy and perverse age, all those plastic operations, treatments, beauty specialists, beauty courses... All this simplified communication happens very far from emotions, from the human since it imposes wrong choices and everything that is wrong as imperative. This enslavement by the appearance, this almost clownlike identification with showbiz celebrities and tabloid figures is something that causes sadness and laughter, too. Kokan Mladenović KOKAN MLADENOVIĆ je rođen u Nišu 1970. Diplomirao na Katedri za pozorišnu i radio režiju Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu 1993. u klasi Miroslava Belovića i Nikole Jevtića. Režije (izbor): Sekspir, Bunjuel, Miler: Hamlet ; Harms: Slučajevi; Tirso de Molina: Seviljskizavodniki kamen! gost; Bomarše: Figarova ženidba; Aleksandar Popović: Razvojnl put Bore Šnajdera, Mrešćenje šarana; Aristofan, Maričić, Mladenović Lizistrata, M/pVelimir Lukić: Afera nedužneAnabele;Y\da Ognjenović Kako zasmejati gospodara, Je II bilo kneževe večere; Agota Krištof: Velika sveska; Dušan Kovačević: Maratonci tree počasni krug, Balkanski špijun, Sabirni centar; Slobodan Selenić: Ruženje naroda и dva delà; Henrik Ibzen: Per Gint; Šekspir: Bogojavljenska noć, San letnje noći, Ukroćena goropad; Ljubomir Simović: Putujuće pozorište Šopalović; Goran Petrović, Kokan Mladenović: Opsada crkve Svetog Spasa; Goran Stefanovski: Bahanalije; Mihail Bulgakov, К. Mladenović: Majstor I Margarita; Mirjana Novaković, К. Mladenović: Strah i njegov sluga; Goran Petrović: Skela; Dž. J. Tolkin, K. Mladenović Hobit; Dž. M. Bari, M. Stojanović: PetarPan; Enda Vois: Discopigs; Fosi, Eb, Kender: Čikago; Slobodan Vujanović: Poslednja smrt Frenkija Suzice... Dobitnik je nagrade" Bojan Stupica", tri Sterijine nagrade: 1998, adaptacija, Afera nedužne Anabete (NP Sombor); 2000, adaptacija, Ruženje naroda u dva delà (NP Sombor); 2002, dramatizacija, Opsada crkve Svetog Spasa, (NP Sombor) i mnogih značajnih nagrada na festivalima u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori,