

NOT A DRAMA NOR A MUSICAL NOR A DANCE PERFORMANCE Dalija Aćin's decision to start preparing the new production without a previously set subject and to, therefore, base the contents and the form of a potential stage event exclusively on the characters and personal fantasies of her performers is in itself a shift from the common approach in the theatre. However, the conventional production parameters are further brought into question by the fact that the performers are her colleagues and that not one of them is an actors ora dancer. Instead of a professional performing company, the audience in the Bitef Theatre will see five crucial participants on the independent artistic stage in Belgrade, this time in roles letting down and overcoming anyone's expectations. The fantasies of the audience and the fantasies of the five people on the stage will meet in the real time/ space of the theatre. The site of this uncertain meeting is the only stage landscape where the possible action takes place. Somebody has stepped out into the public space prepared for exposure to another person's eye. Somebody else watches silently. Those two would be together if the moment in time they share were one and indivisible. Instead, a misunderstanding happens even before anything happened. For the exposed, the eye that watches him already does not belong to the one who watches him. For the watcher, the body of the exposed is no longer in his possession. We're Many functions as a stage event whose form of expression examines the extreme models of reciprocity, confrontation, isolation and (re)presentation. This formal option does not mean that the event itself is thematically defined as a production speaking about exhibitionism, narcissism, spectacle, loneliness, love, family etc. Instead, the stage happening takes a concrete situation: the process of theatre production and presentation as its starting given in terms of form and contents: the minimal condition for the always promised and never realised utopia of togetherness. Igor Dob ričić