
ANDRAŠ URBAN je roden 1970 u Senti. U sedamnaestoj godini, osnovaoje literarno pozorišni studio, u kom je radio kao autor, reditelj i glumac. Stvorio je poznatu AIOWA grupu koja je pozorište videia kao kompleksnu ideološku praksu. Upisao je režiju na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu. U prvoj polovini 90-tih, prekinuo je studije, rad u pozorištu i povukao se. U to vreme, о pozorištu je samo razmišljao. Pet godina kasnije, vratio se studijama, gde je u klasi reditelja Bora Draškovića diplomirao 2000 godine. Počeo je da režira и pozorištu Kostolanji Deže, uporedo radeći predstave sa svojom trupom. Radio je u Novom Sadu, Bugarskoj i Rumuniji a imaoje i veliku turneju po Japanu.Trenutno, radi u pozorištu Kostolanji Deže. ANDRÄS URBÄN was bom 1970 in Zenta. At seventeen, he started his literary and theatrical creative workroom, where he was present as author, director and actor. He created the famous AIOWA group, which saw the theater as complex ideological action. He matriculated at the Artistical Academy of Ûjvidék, faculty of drama, majoring direction. In the first half of the 90s, he interrupted his studies, theatrical works and retired for years. He had periodical works far from the public He was only thinking about the theater. After five years he went on with his studies, in the class of the director Boro Draskovic and he graduated in 2000. He started directing in the Kosztolänyi Dezso Theater, but he also worked on performances in the Urban Andras Company. He worked in Novi Sad, Bulgaria, Romania, and went for a grand tour to Japan. Currently, he works in the Kosztolanyi Dezso Theater. SELEKTORSKA BELEŠKA lako kao predložak ima Kamijev roman Stranac, predstava ne samo što ne prati potpuni siže romana već uključuje i druge tekstove i komentare samih aktera о vlasti, društvu i umetnosti uz, katkad, sasvim obična posmatranja о svakodnevnih i trivijalnih činjenica života. Takva rasuta struktura omogućuje da se nametne pitanje identiteta limosti koje zastupaju pojedine stavove, bez obzira na iskrenost kojom ih ispovedaju. Likovi nisu fiksirani, oni izmiču čvrstim oblicima. Ali upravo takvo izmicanje identiteta daje pravu, odgovarajuću sliku vremena i njihovim raspravama о vrednostima ljudskog života, о poziciji smrti u tim životima, ili etičkoj poziciji čoveka, njegovoj krivici i odgovornosti. SELECTOR'S NOTE Although it draws its inspiration from Camus'novel The Stranger, the production does not quite follow its subject. It includes also other texts and comments of the protagonists about the authority, society and art with occasional, perfectly simple observations about everyday and trivial facts of life. The dispersed structure permits to impose the question of the identity of the personalities proposing different views regardless of how sincere they are. The characters are not fixed; they defy solid form. It is precisely this slipping away of the identity, which produces an authentic picture of the times and their discussions about the values of human life, the position of death in those lives or the ethical position of man, his guilt and, responsibility.