

Once the premier is over do you still work on the play? KM: Of course, a lot of changes happen because of the audience after the premiere. The premier is just a rehearsal. After 20 performances it might be a new piece, with a new rhythm, everything might have changed. The people on stage and the audience communicate. I have a lot of bad experiences and I think it is just stupid to finalize a work without the audience. Because there is a casting going on in the play I would like to know: how do you cast you actors? KM: Sometimes I know the actors from before. But the boy, Rudi, I found for this project. I like nonprofessional actors, absolute amateurs or complete professional actors. The audience is coming because they want to see people without taking a risk. I cannot go to my neighbours living room to see what's going on there, so 1 go to the theatre. I need real people, people with a real fate. I do not really direct them, they are adults and it becomes their responsibility to live on stage in front of other people. Where lies the biggest injury in today's society? Is it the fact that we have lost all our believes except in success and money? KM:There is a difference between east and west. It is also a question close to faith. In the last 50 years with the globalisation the importance of money and success have grown dramatically. But the class of people I want to work with are the losers, the losers of all times. They get more day-by-day. in their poverty they are closerto God. They are outsiders, outside money and outside success. The question is: Can you blame the world of success and money? That is the big concern in my work. In my works there are no good and the bad characters, cause they are both losers, and both are right in their exclusion. Are you optimistic about the future of mankind or pessimistic? Or do you express your pessimism in your work in order to live a more optimistic life? KM: 1 do art as I think and not to deliver a philosophy or a message, on the contrary I am afraid of these messages. Art makes sense for me when it does not give answers, but showing something which is behind the things.