

plavi i zeleni prostor neprozirnih, zamagljenih figura ill silueta, limbičnu scenografiju, praskozorje čoveka, posteljicu civilizacije, izuzetne vizuelne i emotivne snage. Muzika Frančeska Điomija je prefinjena,"glas"koreografije. Ovo je himna nevinosti, nostalgiji i lepoti ženstvenosti," La Nuova Venezia, 2010. „Mistična atmosfera tela utonula u neprozirno i zamagljeno svetlo,simboli koji seiznenadnadelimično pojavljuju. Inspirisan Tužnim tropima antropologa Klod Levi-Strosa, Sijeni otkriva oniričan svet: svet koji privlači lepotom telesnih slika, u izvođenju sjajnih balerina koje se pojavljuju kao totemska bića izdalekih prostranstava svojih predaka, pribijaju se jedna uzdrugu kao da žele da povrate izgubljeno jedinstvo. Čini nam se da se nalazimo pred antičkim ritualom mračne i neistražene prirode, a takav utisak pojačava originalna muzika Frančeska Giomija." llTamburodi Kattrin, 2010. REVIEWS 'A production of quiet beauty, hypnotically fragile and feminine poetry...ln a contrast of clear and blurred images the choreographer crushes the reality to turn it over to the subconscious. In the ecstatic perfection in which we are immersed, every shape echoes with ancestral relations inscribed in the history of the body. ' II Sole 24ore, 2010 'Only the genius ofVirgilio Sieni could turn Tristes tropiques by Claude Levy-Strauss into a performance.. Not only ingenious, Sieni is a genius because he pulls the strings of a strict and tense direction. The dance dissolves the harmony of bodies and lines, from awkward lobster steps to archaic ritual sacrifices. The fantastic lighting design paints an undefined blue and green space of opaque, blurred figures or silhouettes, limbic sets, the dawn of man, the placenta of the civilization, of an outstanding visual and emotional power. Francesco Giorni's music is sophisticated, the “voice" of choreography. This is a hymn to innocence, nostalgia and the beauty of femininity. La Nuova Venezia, 2010 "Mystical ambiance, bodies immersed in opaque and blurred lights, symbols appearing in unexpected fragments. Drawing his inspiration from Tristes tropiques by anthropologist Claude Levy-Strauss, Sieni opens up an oneiric world, a world attracting by the beauty of body images performed by brilliant dancers who appear as totemic beings from the distant ancestral spaces, clinging close to each other as if yearning to recover the lost unity. It seems to us that we are before an ancient ritual of a dark and unexplored nature and this impression is strengthened by Francesco Giorni's original score." II Tamburo di Kattrin, 2010