
• Patos, Smederevo, Srbija, i Teatar Koreja, Leće, Italija BRAT Film sa razgovorom i interakcijom sa publikom Moderatorka i autorka filma: Dragana Bošković Rediteljka filma: Andrea Ada Lazić ►M 20. septembar, 17:00 Ustanova kulture „Vuk Karadžić" (Seena „Kult") Trajanje: 90'

• Patos, Smederevo, Serbia, and Teatro Koreja, Lecce, Italy BROTHER A film with the discussion and interaction with audiences Moderator and film author: Dragana Bošković Film director: Andrea Ada Lazić ►И September 20 th ,17:00 Cultural Institution "Vuk Karadžic" (“Cult" Stage) Duration: 90'

Film Brat, autorke Dragane Bošković, teatrološkinje î urednice dramskog programa RTS-a, nastao je 2010. godine u Lećeu, gde je predstava Brat igrana u Teatru Romano, predivnom otvorenom prostoru starog grada. Film kombinuje snimke iz predstave i razgovore sa glumcima i drugim akterima projekta koje je vodila Andrea Ada Lazić. Predstava Brat je nastala iz projekta „Nomad scene" i performansa Prosjačka opera, u kojem su vodeći partner! bili Tetar Koreja iz Lećea i Centarza kulturu IzSmedereva. Prvobitno nastali performans Prosjačka opera (izveden je na Bitef Polifoniji 2007. godine), uz doprinos novih umetničkih stručnjaka, koreografa i kompozitora, prosle godine je promenio ime i postao predstava Brat. Naziv Brat odabran je sa namerom da se naglasi značenje te reel, smisao bratstva među pripadnicima romske zajednice, ali i da pokaže da antiheroj danas može postati heroj. Brat je predstava о toleranciji, razumevanju, mogućnosti da veoma razliciti ljudi postanu prijatelji, bez obzira na nacionalnu ill versku pripadnost. Po tome je ovo ostvarenje mnogo vise od same predstave. Srpski i romski učesnici radili su ponovo sa ciljem da se predstava promoviše kao jedan od vidova mogućnosti saradnje pripadnika različitih nacionalnosti, odnosno da pokaže kako kulturna razmena i interakcija mogu da dovedu do stvaranja umetničkog delà, da doprinesu

Performance Brother, based on The Beggar's Opera by John Gay Idea and direction: Salvatore Tramacere Film Brother, by Dragana Bošković, theatrologist and editor of RTS drama programme, was created in 2010 in Lecce, where the performance Brother was performed in Theatre Romano, a beautiful open space of the old town. The film combines photos from the performance and interviews with actors and other project participants, facilitated by Andrea Ada Lazić. The performance Brother was developed from the project Nomad Scene and the Beggar's Opera performance, in which the leading partners were Teatro Koreja from Lecce and Cultural Centre from Smederevo. The first performance Beggar's Opera, devised and performed on Bitef Polyphony in 2007, with the contributions from new artistic experts, choreographers and composers, become the performance Brother last year. The title Brother was chosen with the intention to stress the meaning of this word, the sense of brotherhood between the members of Roma society, and also to demonstrate than an anti-hero can nowadays become a hero. Brother is a performance on tolerance, understanding, chance for very different people to become friends, regardless of nation or confession. And that is what makes this performance much more than just a