
nepristrasna. Ako se čitalac ne složi sa nekim od mojih ocena, to je njegovo pravo. A moje je pravo da iznesem svoje misljenje. Najobjektivniji deo knjige sadržan je и hronološkim tablicama, u kojima sam nastojala da prikažem Bitef na fonu - ili и sklopu -svetskih kulturnih i političkih događaja, uključujući i burnu istoriju Balkana. Priča je dopunjena skromnim, crno-belim slikama, Šteta što nisu tako luksuzne kao one и srpskom izdanju, čiji je urednik Jovan Ćirilov a dizajner Slobodan Mašić. Ipak, i te crno-bele mogu da dočaraju impresiju о predstavi. Za Bitef je vezan jedan od najsrećnijih perioda mog života koji, nadam se, neće biti završen publikacijom ove studije. U jednom od svojih intervjua, nazvala sam Bitef pozorišnom laboratorijom Evrope. Zaista, pored divnih predstava velemajstora evropske režije, ovde se ozbiljno a nenametljivo sprovodi visokoprofesionalna teatrološka delatnost. Umetnost formiranja programa svake godine, okrugli stolovi, interaktivni rad sa publikom, divni katalozi i, najzad, sastavljanje svakodnevnih biltena - sve to predstavlja jedan, prirodnim putem nastao sistem, koji zaslužuje da bude cenjen i čuvan. Ne mogu da ne pomenem dva stalna posmatrača Bitefa, Vladimiга Stamenkovića i Muharema Pervića. Njihove studije ne može zaobići nijedan istoričar Bitefa, кар ni beogradskog kulturnog života u celini. Natalija Vagapova DR NATALUA VAGAPOVA je ruska teatrološkinja. Visa naučna saradnica čuvenog Državnog instituta za istoriju i teoriju umetnosti u Moskvi, dobitnica ruskih i međunarodnih nagada za svoja istraživanja iz obasti kulture slovenskih naroda. U maju 2011, u eminentnoj izdavačkoj kući Gitis, pri Pozorišnoj akademiji u Moskvi, a uz podršku Ambasade Republike Srbije u Rusiji, objavljena je njena knjiga Među narodne pozorišne sezone и Beogradu. Bitef 1967-2007. Prošle, 2010, godine Bitef je и Beogradu objavio raskošno ilustrovanu studiju ove autorke, Bitef - pozorište, festival, život. Knjiga koja se promoviše na 45. Bitefu, zapravo je rusko izdanje iste ove studije.

refined post-postmodernism - I have described and analyzed in the six chapters of my book. At no point did I aim at impartiality. Readers are entitled to disagree with any of my opinions, as I am entitled to state them. The most objective section of the book are the chronological tables in which I have tried to present Bitef in the framework - of international cultural and political events, including the tempestuous history of the Balkans. The story is illustrated with modest, black-and-white photos. It is a pity they are not as luxurious as the ones in the Serbian edition, edited by Jovan Cirilov and designed by Slobodan Mašić. Nevertheless, the blackand-white ones manage to convey the impression as well. Bitef marks one of the happiest periods of my life which, hopefully, will not end by publishing of this study. In one of the interviews, I called Bitef "theatre laboratory of Europe”, Indeed, not only does it present the wonderful performances of the great masters of European theatre, but also deals with highly professional theatre in a serious yet unpretentious manner. The art of drawing up the programme every year, the panel discussions, the interactive relationship with the audience, the beautiful catalogues and the daily bulletins - all of those are parts of a naturally developed system which deserves being appreciated and preserved. I cannot help but mention two loyal Bitef observers, Vladimir Stamenković and Muharem Pervic. Their studies represent an obligation for every historian of Bitef and of Belgrade cultural life as a whole. Natalia Vagapova DR. NATALIA VAGAPOVA is a theatre scholar from Russia. She is a senior associate in the famous State Institute for History and Theory of Art in Moscow, and a laureate of numerous Russian and international awards for her research in the area of Slavic culture. In May, 2011, her book International Theatre Seasons in Belgrade. Bitef 1967-2007 was published by (litis, a publishing house of Moscow Theatre Academy, with a support of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Russia. Last year n Belgrade, a luxurious edition of her study Bitef - Theatre, Festival, Life, was published by Bitef. Book International Theatre Seasons in Belgrade. Bitef 1967-2007 is a Russian edition of the same study.