
VLADICA MILOSAVLJEVIČ rođena je 1955. u Novom Sadu. Završila je Dizajnersku školu (smer grafika) i Akademiju za pozorište, film i televiziju (FDU) u Beogradu. Omiljene predstave: Zbogom Judo, E. Savin (Studentski grad), Pelikan, D. Putnik (Atelje 212), Trkač, S. Bodroža (Male pozorište „Duško Radović"), Željezni Jazz i Magrit, nerazjašnjeno übistvo - Kačinski trupa (SKC), Hrvatski Faust, S. Unkovski (JDP), Bliže, A. Stojanović (JDP), Život je son, D. Jovanović (Dubrovačke letnje igre), Prijateljstvo zanat najstariji, I. Vujić (Bitef teatar), Buđenje proleća, H. Pašović (JDP), Per Суп, Paolo Madeli (JDP). Omiljene pozorišne nagrade su joj dva Zlatna lovorova venca na festivalu MESS и Sarajevo. Igrala je i u brojnim filmovima.

VLADICA MILOSAVLJEVIĆ was born in 1955 in Novi Sad. She has graduated from School of design (Graphics Department) and from the Faculty of Drama Arts in Belgrade. Her favourite performances are; Goodbye, Judas, directed by Egon Savin (Studentski Grad); Pelican, directed by D. Putnik (Atelje 212); Runner, directed by S. Bodroža (Little Theatre "Duško Radović'), Iron Jazz and Margit, unresolved murder case - Kačanski trupa (SKC); Croatian Faustus, directed by S. Unkovski (JDP); Closer, directed by A. Stojanovic (JDP); Life is a Dream, directed by D. Jovanovic (Dubrovnik Summer Festival); Friendship, the Oldest Trade, directed by I. Vujić (Bitef Theatre); Spring Awakening, directed by H. Pašović (JDP); Per Gynt, directed by Paolo Magelli (JDP). Her favourite theatre prizes are two Golden Laurels won in Sarajevo, at MESS festival. She has played in numerous theatrical and TV-films

NIKOLA ZAVIŠIĆ, pozorisni reditelj. Roden 1975. и Beloj Crkvi, Vojvodina. Magistrirao na Pozorisnom fakultetu Akademije lepih umetnosti u Pragu (DAMU), na Katedri za režiju u alternativnom i lutkarskom pozoristu. Bavi se pozorisnom režijom, pisanjem i dizajnom svetla u pozoristu, operi i na koncertima klasične i savremene muzike. Do sada režirao predstave и Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Češkoj, Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Holandiji. Sa trupom koju je osnovao u Pragu (Com. Factory), proputovao mnoge festivale širom Evrope (Češka, Poljska, Belgija, Nemačka, Holandija). Na Akademiji lepih umetnosti u Pragu (DAMU) bio je asistent profesorke Jaroslave Šiktancove na Katedri za glumu. Godine 2002. bio je asistent A. J. Vajsbarda, dizajnera svetla kod reditelja Roberta Vilsona, na operi Osud Leoša Janačeka, na Velikoj sceni Narodnog pozorišta u Pragu. Ovo iskustvo trajno ga usmerava ka istraživanju upotrebe svetla и pozoristu. Osvajao mnoge nagrade za svoje predstave - festival Zlatni lav, Umag, Hrvatska; Festival profesionalnih pozorišta Vojvodine, Zrenjanin; Lutkarski susreti 2007. - Novi Sad i 2008. - Niš; TIBA festival, Beograd; Festival pozorista za djecu - Kotor, Crna Gora...

NIKOLA ZAVIŠIĆ, a theatre director, was born in Bela Crkva, Vojvodina, 1975. He obtained his masters degree at DAMU, Prague, at the Directing for Alternative and Puppet Theatre department. He does theatre directing, writing, and light design in theatre, opera and concerts of classical and contemporary music. He has directed in Serbia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia and the Netherlands. With his troupe Com. Factory, which he founded in Prague, he has visited many festivals worldwide (Czech Republic, Poland, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands). At DAMU in Prague he worked as a teaching assistant to Professor Yaroslawa Siktancova at the Acting Department. In 2002, he was assistant to AJ.Weissbard, a light designer, at the opera Osud directed by Robert Wilson. The experience was crucial to his decision to permanently apply himself to exploring the use of light in theatre. He has directed in theatres and has been awarded for his work - at Zlatni Lav festival, in Umag (Croatia), at Festival of Professional Theatres of Vojvodina, in Zrenjanin, at Meetings of Puppeteers (Novi Sad, 2007; and Niš, 2008), at TIBA festival in Belgrade, at Festivalof Theatres for Children in Kotor (Montenegro)...