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Original title:

The Four Seasons Restaurant

was born in 1960 in Cesena, Italy. He graduated with a degree in painting and scenography from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna. In 1981, jointly with Claudia Castellucci and Chiara Guidi, he founded Societas Raffaello Sanzio. Since then he has produced numerous plays in the role of author, director and creator of scenes, lights, sound and costumes.He is known all over the world as an author of theater based on the totality of the arts, aimed at creating an integral perception: he has also written various essays on the theory of directing plays, which trace the development of his type of theater. His plays are regularly invited and produced by the most prestigious theaters and festivals all over the world.

dal ciclo II Velo Nero del Pastore

Direction, stage and costumes:




Scott Gibbons


Chiara Causa, Silvia Costa, Laura Dondoli,

Irene Petris

Assistant Direction:

Silvia Costa

Collaboration to the dramaturgy:


Di Matteo

Direction of set construction:



Michele Loguerdo, Filippo

Mancini, Lorenzo Martinelli

Light tethnîcrân:

Fabio Berselli

Sound technician:

Matteo Braglia

Technical coordination;

Luciano Trebbi


Carmen Castellucci


Cosetta Nicolini


Gilda Biasini, Benedetta Briglia,

Valentina Bertolino


Michela Medri, Elisa Bruno,

Simona Barducci

Administrative consultancy: 7".' 77S .

Massimiliano Coli

Executive Producer;

Societas Raffaello Sanzio,

in Coproduction withJheater der Welt 2010 Théâtre National de Bretagne / Rennes deSingel international arts campus / Antwerp The National Theatre / Oslo Norway Barbican London and SPILL Festival of Performance Chekhov International Theatre Festival/ Moscow Holland Festival/Amsterdam; Athens Festival GREC 2011 Festival de Barcelona Festival d'Avignon International Theatre Festival DIALOG Wroclaw / Poland BITEF (Belgrade International Theatre Festival) Foreign Affairs I Berliner Festspiele 2011 Théâtre de la Ville-Paris Romaeuropa Festival 2011 Theatre festival SPIELART München (Spielmotor München e.V.) Le-Maillon, Théâtre de Strasbourg / Scène Européenne TAP Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers-Scène Nationale Peak Performances @ Montclair State-USA

The performance - whose title refers to the refusal by Rothko of a contract - expresses the artist's loneliness as an action severing the social contract. As in an overturned rebellion, he erects and comes to terms with a complex symbolic system, then tears it to pieces. What is left is a representation which appears as such. There is nothing behind it, as in the dodecaphonic crash of a black hole, where matter bends under its own weight and denies itself. The performance consists of a series of subordinates which, advancing from their motionless point, reveal - in the arc of a curve with no return - the gradual collapsing of the image. What we are seeing is the bright trail of the object bidding farewell to our gaze. The Four Seasons Restaurant. It is the name of a real restaurant on 54th Street in New York. This name is linked to the story of Mark Rothko. In 1958 the restaurant asked this artist to do some paintings for the large walls of its rooms. Rothko painted several pictures that were some of the most intense of his life huge, in dark colours tending toward black. While painting these pictures, however,Rothko was having deep doubts and reached a different level of conscience in relation to the purpose his painting served, to this place and its customers, whom he began to consider bourgeois and superficial, to the point of wanting to do:

- something that will ruin the appetite of every son-of-a-bitch who ever eats in that room! Subsequently he reached the even more extreme decision of not giving any of the paintings to the restaurant - today these canvasses are mostly kept at the Tate Modern. The performance alludes to Rothko's experience, although it contains no narrative reference to it. The title in actual fact refers to hunger. Hunger which is not related to any food and constitutes the demand of a being. The painter's decision draws the orbit of absence, an absence like one of those orbits which were considered curves without return.

Many thanks to:

Jeanette Franke, Eric Vautrin,

Centrale Fies-Dro, Comune di Senigallia Assessorato alla Promozione dei Turismi e Eventi / Amat for having hosted part of the rehearsal's phases

The activity of the Societas Raffaello Sanzio is supported by the following Italian institutions: Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali; Regione Emilia Romagna; Comune di Cesena

Translation and subtitle:

Irena Rzevski


Tragedia Endogonidia: BR.#4 Brussels: 41 Bitef 07