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Concived and directed by:

Oliver Frljić

Performed by:

Ivana Roščić, Rakan Rushaidat,

Filip Križan, Iva Visković


&TD Zagreb

18:00 2000 *

Simultaneous translation:

Maja Trifunovič



was born in Travnik in 1976. He graduated in philosophy and culture of religion and in theatre and radio direction from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. His productions participated in numerous festivals: Wiener Festwochen (Vienna), Perforation Festival (New York), Gavelline večeri (Zagreb), Splitsko Ijeto, APAF (Salzburg), International Children's Festivali Šibenik, Sterijino pozorje... His project Turbofolk (HNK Ivana pl. Zajca ćßijeka) won him the Golden Lion Award as the best director.and the production the,Grand Prix of the International Festival of Chamber Theatre. In 2009 he triumphed at the Small Scenes Theatre Festival in Rijeka where two of his productions, Turbofolk and Bacchae, were pronounced the best. His first important international production Proklet bio izdajica svoje domovine!, was for Slovensko Mladinsko

Gledališče in Ljubljana. The production won two Borštnik awards in Maribor and earned many invitations for tours. In 2010 he also directed for the Zagreb Youth Theatre Spring Awakening pronounced the best production at the Yugoslav Theatre festival Without Translation in Užice. Towards the end of the same year, for the National Theatre in Subotica he stage his project Kukovičluk Cowardice) Sterijino Pozorje 2011 won the award for the best production, the best direction and the Award of the Critics' Round Table; many of whom called it the peak of the theatre season in Serbia. His Mrzirh istinul won Branko Gavella Award, the award at 22 n<l Marnile Festival in Split, the award at the International Festival of Small Scene Theatre in Rijeka, the public award at the New Plays Festival in Wiesbaden and a number of others:


When Father was Away on Business: Damned be the Traitor of his Homeland: 45 Bitef 11


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