



zgodba o nekem slastnem truplu

ali gostija ali kako so se roman abramovič, likjanša, štiriindvajsetletna julia kristeva, Simona semenič in inicialki z, i. znašli v oblačku tobačnega dima

16+17 th

Directed by:

Primož Ekart

Performed by:

Iva Babić and Branko Jordan


Simona Hamer

Costume designer:

Elena Fajt

Language consultant:

Maja Cerar



Institute for Cultural Activities

“Imaginarni", November 2011



Simona Semenič is one of Slovenia's most interesting and radical playwrights of younger generation. In her newest drama the feast or the story of a savoury corpse or how roman abramovich, the personage Janša, Julia kristeva, age 24, Simona semenič and the initials zi. found themselves in a puff of tobacco smoke we are faced with two different worlds that are perniciously bound with each other: The (European) West and (European) East, The play has been staged by Primož Ekart and has won an Award for best performance and an Award for best performance by the audience on the 42. Week of Slovenian drama. Primož Ekart's director’s interpretation of the drama is based on a very conceptual decision of making the performance in a private (his Apartment) instead of in a public space (Theater). A small group of spectators (in original there are six seats) is given a privilege to be a part of a very intimate performance which takes place in a dinning room, at a table and is performed by two actors (a Male and a Female) who in an hour an few minutes embody several characters with a great deal of theatrical nuances and skills. The minimalistic (and realistic) setting is also reflected in an aesthetic of the entire performance which focuses on actor and his range of ability in telling a story that in this performance also has strong political, metatheatrical and inter-textual connotations. In this performance we as - the respected audience - and one of the guests on the Feast are going to have the opportunity to dine with celebrities like Roman Abramovich (who has nothing to do with the real person of roman abramovich, the personage Janša (who has nothing to do with the personage Janez Janša, prime minister of the government of the republic of Slovenia), Julia Kristeva, age 24 (who also has nothing to do with the 24-year old girl of the same name), Simona Semenič (who has nothing to do with the real person Simona semenič, author of the text ) and Initials Z. I. (to which, z could, for example, represent the first letter of the name zlatan, and i could, for instance, represent the first letter of the surname ibrahimovič, but as we already know it doesn't). The specialty of this performance's Menu is a Corpse, a West Corpse if we are exact and that is also going to be joining us, impersonated and performed by a true star actress. Good appetite!

is a Slovenian playwright, dramaturg and producer. She completed her Dramaturgy studies at the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT) in Ljubljana. In 2001, Simona wrote the script for and co-directed a performance titled A fistful of empty hands with RokVevar, receiving outstanding notices from the audience as well as from critics. In 2002, the production toured in Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, the Netherlands and Germany and was presented at numerous theatre and dance festivals. After that, Simona and Rok co-wrote and co-directed Solo no peek, which premiered at Glej Theatre. In 2003, Simona started collaborating with WaxFactory (New York). She worked as a production dramaturg on Sarah Kane's Cleansed and subsequently worked with Ivan Talijančić on a new project ...She said, as a dramaturg, coauthor of the text and the executive producer. As a co-author and a dramaturg she also collaborated with Ivan Taljančić on a play Malfi (Slovenian Youth Theatre, Ljubljana, 2008) and Blind.ness (P.S. 122, New York, 2008). Simona also wrote, directed and performed a play I, victim (City of Women, 2007), which was presented at numerous venues and festivals in Slovenia and abroad. In 2005, Simona finished the play More, which was presented at New Georges (New York). Fier play Youd didn't forget you just don't remember anymore, was staged in Theatre Glej, Ljubljana. In 2008 Simona wrote a play which was translated in German, English, Flungarian, Slovak and Serbian and presented in Wien, New York, Budapest, Belgrade and Goetheborg. For her playwriting Simona received national playwriting award Grum award in 2009 (for and in 2010 (for 24hrs). Simona is an artistic director of the artistic group Preglej at KD Integrali. Preglej was initiated and conceived by Simona.

was born in 1963. He is an actor, theatre director and producer. Graduated from the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and TV (AGRFT) in Ljubljana in 1990. Since then he appeared in numerous theatre performances, films, TV serials, radio plays and street-theatre performances. He's been a member of the most renowned Slovene street theatre group, the Ana Monro Theatre, since 1990. Ekart is also co-founder of the Studio for the Research of the Art of Acting, in 2005, he founded his own production house, Imaginarni. It is a production house producing smaller-scale theatre performances, often co-productions with other Slovene theatres and institutions. The common thread running through Imaginarni's projects is telling stories based on real people and events and telling stories of people who are forced into the margins of society. Collaborating with renowned Slovene actors, directors, musicians, and designers, Imaginarni aims to address the viewer with universal stories, confronting him to find his own position toward complex societal problematics.