
Bureau Cassiopée, Pariz, Francuska/ Paris, France - ZBOGOM / ADISHATZ / ADIEU Autor i reditelj / Created and directed by: Jonathan Capdevielle Svetlo / Light: Patrick Riou Inspicijent / Stage Manager; Christophe Le Bris Majstor tona / Sound Manager: Johann Loiseau Umetnička saradnja / Artistic Collaboration: Gisèle Vienne Umetnički konsultant / Artistic Consultant: Mark Tompkins Asitent za ton / Audio assistance: Peter Rehberg Umetnički asistent na gostovanjima / Touring Artistic Assistant: Jonathan Drillet Produkcija / Production: Bureau Cassiopée - AnneCécile Sibué-Birkeland Administracija i gostovanja / Administration and Touring: Léonor Baudouin, Manon Crochemore Uz učešće ECUME, univerzitetske horske grupe iz Monpeljea - Muzičko rukovodstvo / With the participation of ECUME university choral group of Montpellier - Musical direction: Sylvie Golgevit, Paco Lefort, Jean-Luc Martineau, Pierre-Yves Bruzzone, Olivier Strauss, Benoit Vuillon. Zahvaljujemo se / Thanks to: Aurélien Richard, Mathieu Grenier, Jean-Louis Badet, Barbara Watson, Henry Pillsbury. Uz pomoć DACM i tehničkog osoblja Quartz, Scène Nationale de Brest / With the help of DACM and the technical staff of Quartz, Scène Nationale de Brest.

Izvršni producent/ Executive Producer: Bureau Cassiopée Koprodukcija / Coproduction: Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon dans le cadre de ]domaines[ (FR), Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté à Belfort dans le cadre de l’accueil-studio (FR) and BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen (NO). Predstava je podržana u okviru programa TEATROSKOP čiji je cilj kreiranje nove dinamike u izvođačkim umetnostima na prostoru Jugoistočne Evrope i programa TransARTE. TransARTE je program koji je 2012. inicirao Francuski institut radi podrške, razmene i promovisanja hibridnih umetničkih formi, nastalih na ukrštanju disciplina i procesa koji prelaze granice savremene umetnosti. / This performance is supported in the framework of the TEATROSKOP programme, creating new dynamics for the performing arts in South-East Europe and of the TransARTE programme. TransARTE was initiated in 2012 by the Institut français to support circulation and promotion of hybrid artistic forms, born from the crossover of disciplines and processes, which break the boundaries of contemporary art. Uz podršku Centre national de la Danse (FR) za studio tokom proba / With the support of Centre national de la Danse (FR) for the studio during rehearsals. Fotografije / Photography: Alain Monot Prevod / Translation: Lidija Jovanović Trajanje/ Duration: 60’