Bitef, Jan 01, 2015, page 29

18. SEPTEMBAR, 20:00 -


ILIJADA je scenska konstrukcija Homerovog epa. Reditelj i umetnička ekipa ne pokušavaju da stvore vizuelno remek-delo, već se opredeljuju da rade sa relativno malim brojem glumaca (12) isticud izgovorenu reč, pripovedanje, ritam daktilskog heksametra i zvučne slike koje prate pripovest. Predstava ima dva delà: u prvom adaptacija strogo prati Homerovu originalnu priču i lagano otkriva tri sveta llijade : Grke, Trojance i bogove. U drugom delu predstave prikazuje se velika klanica, to jest Trojanski rat: sve bitke postaju jedna, sve žrtve postaju univerzalna žrtva. Za podelu su izabrani najbolji slovenački glumci SNG Drame i MGL. U postavljanju na scenu klasičnog epa. Homerove llijade, tri važne slovenačke institucije kulture su kombinovale svoje najbolje snage: jednog od najboljih reditelja, glumce i istaknuto mesto održavanja. Po rediteljevim redma: „llijada je prvi evropski ep, prvi evropski roman, prva opera, prvi spektakl, prvi MTV.“ - JERNEJ LORENCI (1973) je pozorišni reditelj i viši predavač na Akademiji za pozorište, radio, film i televiziju u Ljubljani. Predstave su mu osvojile mnogobrojne nagrade: Grand Prix za najbolju predstavu i najbolju režiju na festivalu Borštnikovo srećanje, Šeligovu nagradu za najbolju predstavu na Nedelji slovenačke drame, Politikinu nagradu za najbolju režiju na 47. Bitef-u 13, Nagradu za najbolju režiju na Međunarodnom pozorišnom festival Zlatni lav, Nagradu za najbolju predstavu po izboru slovenačke sekcije AICT/lATC. Lorenci je radio za sve slovenačke pozorišne ustanove, kao i za ZKM, HNK u Zagrebu i druga inostrana pozorišta. „llijada je svakako velika predstava, bar onoiiko koliko pažljivo prati opipljivi (im)puls pozorišta, njegovu moć, a ako je pri tome i upotrebi: na primer, za aktualnu (političku) izjavu u pravo vreme. Pruža se od Grčke kao kolevke evropske civilizacije i kulture do nedavnog raspada i smrti iste.” Nika Leskovšek, Dnevnik

■ SEPTEMBER 18™, 20:00


THE ILIAD is a stage construction of Homer's epic. Rather than trying to create a visual masterpiece, the director and the artistic team chose to work with a relatively small number of actors (12), with an emphasis on the spoken word, narration, rhythm of the dactylic hexameter, and sound imagery, accompanying the narrative. The performance is in two parts; in the first, the adaptation closely follows the original Homer's narrative, slowly unravelling the three worlds of the Iliad: the Greeks, the Trojans and the Gods. In the second part, the performance pictures the great slaughterhouse that is the Trojan war: all battles become one, all victims become a universal victim. The cast is a selection of the best Slovenian actors from SNG Drama and MGL In staging of the classic epic, Homer’s Iliad, three major Slovenian cultural institutions have combined their best features: one of the best directors, actors and an eminent venue. In words of the director; "Iliad is the first European epic. Europe's first novel, first opera, first spectacle, first MTV.” JERNEJ LORENCI (1973) is a theatre director and senior lecturer at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana. For his directions he received numerous awards: Grand Prix for Best Performance and Best Direction Award at the Borštnikovo srečanje Festival, Šeligo Award for Best Performance at the Week of Slovenian Drama, Politika Award for Best Direction at 47 Bitef 13, Best Direction Award at the International Theatre Festival Zlatni lav. Best Performance Award as chosen by the Slovene section of AICT/lATC. He has worked in all Slovenian theatre institutions, at ZKM, in HNK Zagreb and other theatres abroad. “Iliad is without doubt a big performance, at least as big as it is careful in its adherence to theatre (im) pulse and its power, while its skill to use it - for a current (political) statement in the right moment, for example - makes it even bigger, it spans from Greece as the cradle of European civilization and culture, all the way to its recent collapse and death.” Nika Leskovšek, Dnevnik