
21. SEPTEMBAR, 19:00



Ova predstava je formalno istraživanje scenskog pokreta i jezika, a cilj joj je da ispita šta se dogada s pozorištem kada jezik prestanemo da tretiramo kao središnje referentno mesto. Matija Ferlin se koristi pokretom kao sredstvom ravnopravnim jeziku, a u ovom projektu kao ishodišni materijal uzima jezik dece predškolskog i školskog uzrasta, dečje misii i rečenice razlidtih tematskih preokupacija - od stvaranja sveta, velikih tema i strahova do svakodnevnih sitnica, pa tako i sam sadržaj krivuda kroz ozbiljne i komične lucidnosti malenih autora voded nas kroz život kako smo ga jednostavno razumeli nekad. Takve materijale autor prelama u prizmi pokreta, dime oblikuje jedan specified izvođački svet koji izmiče logici sveta na koji smo, kao odrasli, navikli, stvarajud nežnu predstavu iz koje svako u publia kao dete čita svoju priču. Predstava je nastala kao zajednička produkeija s Künsten festival des Arts, a svoju svetsku premijeru imala je u Briselu. - MATIJA FERLIN je roden u Puli 1982. godine. Diplomirao na School for New Dance Development u Amsterdamu. Živeo je i radio u Berlinu i Torontu. Nakon povratka u Pulu posvetio se istraživanju i reartikulaciji razlidtih koncepata scenskog izvodenja i ostaiih medija kao što su kratki film, video i izložbe. Od 2010, živi u Svetvinčentu. Izvodio je svoja delà širom Evrope i Amerike, na festivalima u Beču, Briselu, Lionu, Marseju, Oslu, Pragu, Ljubljani, Njujorku, Torontu, Montreaiu, Zagrebu i drugde. Njegov rad uključuje autorske izvođačke Projekte: Sad Sam Revisited (2004/06), Sad Sam Almost 6 (2009), Zajedno na kvadrat (u saradnji s Ame Henderson, 2009), Nastup (2010), Samice (2011), Sad Sam Lucky (2012), Istovremeno drugi (2012), Studenti Harmonije (2014)

21 st SEPTEMBER, 19:00



This performance represents a formal exploration of stage movement and language, with an aim to find out what happens with theatre when we stop treating language as its central reference point. Matija Ferlin uses movement as a means equal to language, and in this project he takes the language of pre-school and school children, children’s thoughts and sentences of various topics - from the creation of the world, big topics and fear, to small everyday issues, which is why the performance moves between serious and comic lucidities of the little authors, taking us through the life in its simple form that we once used to see. He presents that material through movement, creating thus a specific performing world which escapes logic of the world which we. adults, are used to, and creates a tender performance which each member of the audience sees in their own way. The performance was created as a co-production with Kunstenfestivaldesarts, and was premiered in Brussels. - MATIJA FERLIN was born in Pula in 1982. He obtained a degree at School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam. He lived and worked in Berlin and Toronto. Upon returning to Pula, he focused on the research and re-articulation of various concepts of stage performances and other media - short film, video and exhibitions. Since 2010, he has lived in San Vincenti. He has performed all over Europe and America, at festivals in Vienna, Brussels. Lyon, Marseilles. Oslo, Prague, Ljubljana, New York, Toronto, Montreal, Zagreb, and elsewhere. His works are; Sad Sam Revisited (2004/06), Sad Sam Almost (2009), The Most Together We've Ever Been (in cooperation with Ame Henderson, 2009), Onformance (2010), Lonely Women (2011), Sad Sam Lucky (2012), The Other at the Same Time (2012), Students of Harmony (2014).