
22. SEPTEMBAR, 15:00121:00 23. SEPTEMBAR, 17:00 I 21:00


SCENA „STUDIO“ DISKRETNI ŠARM MARKSIZMA spaja scenu, trpezu i agoru u jedinstveni dispozitiv. Ispitujud koncept hrane za misli, na scenu je postavljen performans s marksističkim tekstovima o klasnoj borbi i revoluciji kao večeri od šest jela. Na osnovu jelovnika kao „scenarija“, performans se kolektivno improvizuje na lieu mesta i zavisi od veza, asoeijaeija i pozieija gostiju prema degustiranim „jelima“. Nešto od hrane konzumira se u samod, nešto u dvoje Ni utroje; u pečenju se uživa zajednički. A ako gosti požele da se odmore od ponekog težeg jela. mogu se povući u biblioteku gde je zakuska servirana u policama za knjige - Diskretni šarm u susretu sa Fantomom slobode ; dve hrane - za telo i misli polako se mešaju. a pozorište bukvalno postaje prostor zajedničkog promišljanja društvenog trenutka u kom živimo. BOJAN ĐORĐEV je roden 1977. u Beogradu. Pozorišni autor zainteresovan za kolektivno autorstvo, postdramski performans zasnovan na tekstu i teoriju-kao-praksu. Stvarao i prikazivao svoje radove u Beogradu, Beču, Amsterdamu, Njujorku, Lionu, Štutgartu, Gentu, Cirihu, Ženevi, Zagrebu, Ljubljani... Režirao tekstove Džojsa, Jelinek, Koktoa/Glasa, Valzera, Guiberta, Sajko i Fercaca, izmedu ostalih. Član uredničkog kolektiva i jedan od osnivača platforme Teorija koja Hoda i TkH časopisa za teoriju izvođačkih umetnosti. Magistrirao na DasArtsu, Amsterdam. diplomirao pozorišnu režiju i magistrirao teoriju umetnosti i medija u Beogradu.


Marksizam u savremenom teorijskom polju predstavlja svojevrstan izuzetan slučaj - istovremeno je prilično marginalan (unutar ekonomske discipline svrstava se medu heterodoksne teorije sa malo uticaja na mejnstrim ekonomske nauke ali je, istovremeno, jedna od najživljih alternativnih ekonomskih teorija, sa ogromnom aktuelnom produkcijom; unutar sociologije, istoriografije i antropologije marksizam drži, iako umeren, konstantan uticaj i povremene referencije na 18, Brumaire ili Engelsova

22 nd SEPTEMBER, 15:00 AND 21:00 23 rd SEPTEMBER, 17:00 AND 21:00



- THE DISCRETE CHARM OF MARXISM links stage, feast and agora into a single disposition. Exploring the concept of food for thought, this performance sets on stage Marxist texts about class struggle and revolution in the form of a six-course dinner. Relying on the menu as a “script", the performance is improvised on the spot and depends on the links, analogies and positions the guests take towards the "food” they taste. Some food is consumed in solitude, some in the company of two or three; roast is enjoyed in a group. And if the guests wish to rest after a heavier meal, they can withdraw to the library where snack is served on the bookshelves - The Discrete Charm meets The Phantom of Liberty, two foods - for body and for thought get mixed and theatre literally turns into a space for collective examination of the present social moment. BOJAN DJORDJEV was born in 1977 in Belgrade. He is a theatre author interested in collective authorship, post-dramatic performance based on text and theory-as-practice. He has worked and showed his works in Belgrade, Vienna, Amsterdam. New York. Lyon, Stuttgart, Gent, Zurich, Zagreb, Ljubljana... He has staged texts by Joyce. Jelinek, Cocteau/Glass, Walser, Guibert, Sajko and Ferčac, to name just a few. He is a member of the editorial board and one of the founders of the Walking Theory platform and JkH journal for Performing Arts Theory. He has obtained his MA degree at DasArts in Amsterdam, his BA in Theatre Directing and MA in Arts and Media Theory in Belgrade.


In the field of contemporary theory, Marxism is a unique exception - it is quite marginal (in the realm of economy, it is classified as one of the heterodox theories with limited influence on the economic “mainstream” while, at the same time, it is one of the most alive alternative economic theories, with an enormous contemporary production: within sociology, historiography and anthropology. Marxism makes a constant, albeit moderate, influence and occasional references in 18th Brumaire or Engels’