
22. SEPTEMBAR, 20:00



Moj cil] u predstavi Zbogom bio je da napravim autoportret od smese pevanog materijala i imitacije. Inspirisan stilom auto-fikcije - nekom vrstom ispovednog dokumentarca koji ističe lutanja lika između stvarnog života i fantazije - napisao sam ovu predstavu na osnovu pesama i razgovora koji, veoma nalik privatnim zapisima, evociraju korene i porodicu. Zbogom zavisi od tehnike imitacije kakva se često koristi za zabavu. Ovu tehniku uvrćem do zbrke, nalik na praznu traku na kojoj snimam komadiće sveta koji me okužuje, i ona me dni onim što sam. Ambivalentan lik koji tumadm koleba se izmedu gracioznosti i smrknutosti. Transvestizam mi omogućava da obradim pojam samoće, a da istovremeno prenesem deiikatnost i osećajnost. Samoća je vidljiva; tužna i setna, ali nikad tragična. Želim da radim na nostalgiji stvari kako bih prizvao ključno sećanje na identitet iz detinjstva ili adolescencije; na nostalgiji za jučerašnjim hitovima koji su obeležilijnoju prošlost i nastavljaju da odjekuju i danas... Žeiim da razgorim uspomene i podstaknem sećanja gledalaca. Prema tome, predstava stiče katarzičku dimenziju naporedo sa postepenim otkrivanjem identiteta lika koji verovatno nikad neće biti jasan: ambivalentan, složen, smešan ili tužan, muškarac ili žena, moćan ili lomljiv, negde između stvarnog života i fantazije. Džonatan Kapdevijel - DŽONATAN KAPDEVIJEL roden je u Tarbu, Francuska. Živi u Parizu. Od 1993. do 1996. studirao je dramu u Tarbu, a zatim se upisao na Ecole Supérieure Nationale des Arts de la Marionnette. Učestvovao je u mnogobrojnim predstavama. U filmu Boys Like Us u režiji Patricka Chihae igrao je Nikolasa. Kao saradnik Gisèle Vienne od početka, igrao je u gotovo svim njenim komadima. Septembra 2006. sa Guillaumeom Mariem stvorio je We Are Accidents Waiting To Happen u Palais de Tokyo. Avgusta 2007. prvi put je prikazao performans-predstavu Jonathan Covering na festivalu Tanz im August u Berlinu, što je bilo polazna tačka za Zbogom, njegovo prvo solističko ostvarenje (2009). Džonatan Kapdevijel je svoju novu predstavu, Saga, izveo februara 2015 u Parvis, nacionalnoj sceni u Tarbu.

22 nd SEPTEMBER, 20:00



In Adishatz/Adieu, my aim has been to create a self-portrait shaped by a blend of sung material and imitation. Drawing on a style of self-fiction - a sort of confessional documentary that highlights a character’s wanderings between real life and fantasy - 1 wrote this show based on songs and conversations that, much like private notes, evokes roots and family Adishatz/Adieu is a self-portrait shaped by a blend of sung material and imitation. Drawing on the self-fiction style, a sort of confessional documentary that highlights a character’s wanderings between real life and fantasy/dream life, I intend to write this show based on songs and conversations that, much like private notes, evoke roots and family, Adishatz/ Adieu hinges on the technique of imitation that is often used to entertain. I warp this technique to the point of muddle, much like a blank tape upon which 1 record bits of the world that surrounds and constitutes me. The ambivalent character I’m interpreting wavers between gracefulness and gruffness. The use of transvestism allows me to delve into the notion of solitude, while conveying delicacy and sensitivity. Solitude is perceptible: sad and melancholic but never tragic. I wish to work on the nostalgia of things, in order to summon pivotal memories of identity from childhood or adolescence; the nostalgia for yesterday’s hits that marked my background and continue to resound today... I want to rekindle memories, and to stimulate the audience's memory. The show thereby takes on a cathartic dimension, as the character’s identity is gradually revealed, but will probably never be clear: ambivalent, complex, funny or sad, man or woman, powerful or fragile, somewhere between real life and fantasy. Jonathan Capdevielle - JONATHAN CAPDEVIELLE was born in 1976 in Tarbes, France. He lives in Paris. He studied drama in Tarbes from 1993 to 1996, then he entered Ecole Supérieure Nationale des Arts de la Marionnette. He has been involved in numerous performances. He performs the role of Nicolas in the movie Boys tike us directed by Patrick Chiha. Gisèle Vienne’s collaborator since the beginning, he has performed in almost all her plays. In September 2006, he created