


„Samo budale mogu da kažu da su srećne, tako nešto i ne pomišljam da izgovorim. Umesto toga, kažem da sam zahvalan okolnostima i ovom društvu koje me je do te mere prihvatilo, pruživši mi šansu da radim nešto što volim. Dakle, imao sam sreću, ali ne mogu da kažem da sam srećan. Pogotovu živeći u ovakvom užasnom svetu.“ Jovan Ćirilov BITEF. PERIODI. GODINE. Mira Trailović (ladies first) i Jovan Ćirilov osnovali su Bitef 1967. godine. Početak je bio buran: ushićenost i odbijanje, odobravanje i neodobravanje. Iz godine u godinu buka se stišavala. Bio je to period prilagođavanja, menjala se publika i jugoslovenski teatar, ne budimo skromni - i pod uticajem Bitefa. Godinu 1976. Bitef je dočekao čvrsto stojeći na nogama kao Teatar nacija i kao festival koji se izborio za zavidno mesto u svetu pozorišta. Redale su se godine uspeha i afirmacije - proslavljeno je dvadeset, pa dvadeset pet uspešnih godina postojanja. Za to vreme kroz Festival, preko scena, štampe, televizije, putem restorana, privatnih ručkova i večera prodefilovalo je mnogo slavnih, ali i onih koji će to tek postati: Mira i Jovan bili su savršen selektorski tandem. Taj drugi period se naglo prekinuo 7. avgusta 1989 - 40 dana pre početka 23. Bitefa - umrla je Mira Trailović, i pomislili smo da bez nje Bitefa nema. Ali bilo ga je. Jovan je ostao sam. s nama, da se bori s novim prilikama, ratom, finansijama. Ovo poslednje je značilo da se više nije moglo kao ranije kada se skoro sve moglo. Proslavljene su trideseta i četrdeseta godina malo drugadjeg postojanja, pre svega opterećenog novčanim problemima. I onda nas je 16. novembra. 2014. godine. ne kao Mira tik pred Festival, već tik posle njega, napustio drugi osnivač, Jovan Ćirilov. Oboje su, doslovce, bili s Bitefom do poslednjeg daha. Tako je završen treći period Bitefovog života. 49. Bitef po prvi put je pripreman i održaće se bez njegovih osnivača. Floćemo li znati da nastavimo? I hoće li nam dozvoliti?

22 nd -23 rd SEPTEMBER


“Only fools can say they are happy, I won’t even think of saying something like that. Instead, I say that I am grateful to the circumstances and to this society which has accepted me and gave me a chance to do something I like. So, I was lucky but I cannot say that I am happy; especially as I live in this horrible world.” Jovan Ćirilov BITEF. PERIOD. YEAR. Mira Trailović (ladies first) and Jovan Ćirilov cofounded Bitef in 1967. It had a tumultuous beginning: exhilaration and rejection, approval and disapproval. In years, the tempest slowly calmed down. It was a period of adjustment; the audience was changing and, let’s not be modest, Yugoslav theatre as well - all under Bitef influence. Come 1976, Bitef was firmly grounded like Theatre of Nations and like a festival which succeeded in establishing itself in the theatre world. Years of success followed - 25th anniversary of success was celebrated. During that time, through stages, press, TV, restaurants, private lunches and dinners, the festival has been a host to lot of those who were famous or were yet to become: Mira and Jovan were a perfect selector team. That second period stopped abruptly; on 7th August, 1989 - 40 days before the beginning of 23rd Bitef - Mira Trailović died and without her, we thought. Bitef could not exist. But it did. Jovan stayed alone, with us, forced to struggle through a new set of circumstances, the war and the lack of finances. The latter meant that not everything would be the way it used to be when it used to seem everything was possible. Thirtieth and fortieth anniversary were celebrated under somewhat changed conditions, mostly marked by money problems. And then, on 16 th November 2014, not before the festival like Mira but right after it, Jovan Ćirilov, the other founder, left us as well. Both of them were with Bitef literally until their last breath. That is how this third period of Bitef life ended. For the first time now. 49 th Bitef has been prepared and will be held without its founders. Will we know how to continue? And will we be allowed?