
23. SEPTEMBAR, 17:30 - POSVEĆENJE PROLEĆA / FRÜHLINGSOPFER Muzika: Igor Stravinski Koreografija: Pina Bausch Plesači: Ansambl Tanztheater Wuppertal Proizvodnja: Nemačka, ZDF Trajanje: 36’ DVD, premijera 1975 PINA BAUŠ (1940-2009) plesadca, koreograf, učiteljica modernog plesa, režirala je i filmove, ali i glumila u njima (JFelinijev I brod plovi, Vendersova Pina i dr.). Sa svojim Plesnim teatrom Vupertal ( Tanztheater Wuppertal) putovala je po celom svetu. Na Bitefu na filmu je do sada najzastupljeniji autor. Prikazane su njene snimljene predstave Posvećenje proleća, Arije, Kontakthof, Kafe Miler, Valcer, a u okviru glavnog programa 25. Bitefa film u njenoj režiji Caričina tužbalica. - IGOR FJODOROVIČ STRAVINSKI (1882-1971) napisao je Posvećenje proleća za Ballets Russes Sergeja Djagiljeva i za koreografa Vaslava Nižinskog. Premijera u Parizu 1913. izazvala je senzaciju, ali i prerasla u najpoznatije nerede u istoriji klasične muzike XX veka. Ovo delo je imalo velik uticaj na razvoj moderne muzike. POSVEĆENJE PROLEĆA je serija epizoda o divljem paganskom ritualu. Balet ima dva delà: Kult zemlje i Žrtva. U prvom se slavi dolazak proleća, a u drugom se devojka odabrana da bude žrtva iscrpljuje u plesu do smrti.

23 rd SEPTEMBER, 17:30 - THE RITE OF SPRING FRÜHLINGSOPFER Music: Igor Stravinsky Choreography: Pina Bausch Dancers: Tanzteater Wuppertal Ensemble Production: Germany, ZDF Runtime: 36’ DVD, premiered in 1975 - PINA BAUSCH (1940-2009), a dancer, choreographer, teacher of modern dance, was also a film director, but a film actress too (she played in Fellini’s And the Ship Sails On, Wender's Pina, etc.). With her Tanzteater Wuppertal, she travelled the world. Her works are often screened within Bitef on Film programme. The full recordings of some of her performances have been shown as well: The Rite of Spring, Arias, Court of Contact, Café Müller, Waltz, and the film she directed. The Complaint of an Empress, was screened in the main programme of 25th Bitef on Film. - IGOR FYODOROVICH STRAVINSKY (1882-1971) wrote The Rite of Spring for Ballets Russes of Sergei Diaghilev and the choreographer Vaslav Nijinsky. The premiere in Paris in 1914 was sensational but also turned into the biggest riots in the history of XX century classical music. This work made a huge impact on the development of modern music. - THE RITE OF SPRING is a series of episodes about a wild pagan ritual. The ballet consists of two parts: Adoration of the Earth and The Sacrifice. The first part celebrates spring arrival and in the second, a girl chosen to be a sacrifice is exhausted to death through dance.