
Posle petnaest godina uvodimo i nešto novo - dodelićemo priznanje priznanje za polifoni pristup dramaturškinji, rediteljki, dramskoj pedagoškinji i pesnikinji Mileni Minji Bogavac kao polifonoj autorki koja nas ove godine svojim višeglasjem osvaja i podstiče proširujući program koliko i semantičke prostore Polifonije. Nastavljamo da okupljamo saradnike iz regiona i sveta. Ove godine pravimo i jedan simpozijum s namerom da ispitamo razloge za dalji razvoj izvođačkih umetnosti u razlidtim kontekstima, kao i za kontekstualizaciju same umetnosti. Tražimo nove glasove i pokušavamo da ih napravimo, dok se ne zagrcnemo ill sapletemo, a onda u padovima slučajno pronalazimo ono što mislimo da nam nikada neće trebati, pa ponesemo sa sobom za svaki slučaj, da bi kasnije postalo deo nekog novog pohoda - istraživačkog, aktivističkog, možda i samokritičkog. Zato nema odgovora na Upitnik. Neće ga ni biti sve dok umemo da pitamo, ili da prepoznamo vrednost putovanja. Ove godine Jovan Ćirilov neće biti prisutan na otvaranju i drugim programima Bitef Polifonije. mada verujemo da bi pomno pratio radove učesnika koji kritički sagledavaju prošlost i sadašnjost, izražavajući svoj bunt i zahtev za pravednijom budućnošću. Sanja Krsmanović-Tasić i Irena Ristić

After fifteen years we bring a new event - we will give an acknowledgment for a wholesome polyphonic approach to the dramaturg, director, drama educator, poet, Milena Minja Bogavac as the polyphonic author that enhances us this year with her many forms of expression and inspires us by widening the programme and the semantic spaces of Polyphony. We continue to bring together associates from the region and the world over. This year we also organise a symposium in order to examine the reasons for the further evolution of performing arts within different contexts and the contextualisation of the art itself. We keep looking for new voices and trying to create them until we start choking and stumbling, and then, as we fall, we serendipitously come across what we think we may never need and yet pick it up just in case and then, later on, it becomes a part of a new venture - exploratory, activist, maybe even self-critical. That is why there is no answer to The Question Mark. And there won’t be as long as we know how to ask or recognise the value of the voyage. Jovan Ćirilov will not attend the opening and other programmes of Bitef Polyphony this year although we believe he would closely follow the work of the participants with a critical view of the past and the present as they express their protest and demand a fairer future. Sanja Krsmanović-Tasić and Irena Ristić

Jovan Ćirilov i Ljubica Beljanski-Ristić, 36 Bitef 03, fotografija: Nenad Jovan Cirilov and Ljubica Beljanski-Ristić, 36 lh Bitef 03, photo by Nenad Milošević