
19. SEPTEMBAR, 11:00 Ustanova kulture Parobrod Cirkusfera, Beograd, Srbija - RADIONICA: ANIMACIJA OBJEKATA U POZORIŠTU Trajanje: 120' Cirkusfera radionice u okviru platforme Cirkobalkana. Pozorište objekata koristi izabrane objekte da izmisli karaktere i stvori priču. Umesto objekata ili lutaka specijalno osmišljenih za narativ, pozorište objekata koristi svakodnevne ili neke druge izabrane predmete, transformiše ih u druge stvari ili živa bića, služeći se veštinom izvođača i imaginacijom publike. Na ovoj radionici ćemo se potruditi da udahnnemo život u neki sasvim običan predmet i da scenu/prostor ispunimo pokretom. Voditeljka radionice: Ivana Koraksić Radionice Animacija objekata u pozorištu i Akrobalans deo su višegodišnjeg projekta Cirkusfere pod nazivom Cirkobalkana p/atforma koji se sprovodi uz pomoć BAC fonda, a u saradnji sa Cirkoramom iz Zagreba, Turbul-cirkuskom školom iz Nima i Fabrikom radosti iz Banjaluke.

SEPTEMBER 19 th , 11:00 Institution of Culture Parobrod Cirkusfera, Belgrade, Serbia - WORKSHOP; ANIMATION OF OBJECTS IN THE THEATRE Duration: 120' Cirkusfera workshops within Cirkobalkana platform. The theatre of objects uses selected objects to invent characters and create a story. Instead of objects or puppets purposefully chosen for the narrative, the theatre of objects uses everyday or some other selected objects and transforms them into other things or living beings owing to the skill of the performers and the imagination of the audience. During the workshop we shall try to breathe life into a very ordinary object and fill the stage/space with movement. Workshop moderator: Ivana Koraksić The Workshop Animation of Objects in the Theatre and Akrobalans are a part of a long-term Cirkusfera project called Circobalkana Platform realised with the help of BAC Fund and in cooperation with Cirkorama from Zagreb, Turbul-Circus School from Nimes and Factory