
26. SEPTEMBAR 18:00 FESTIVALSKI CENTAR (ANDRIĆEV VENAC BR. 2) NUE SVAKI KRAJ TUŽAN Godine 1976. slavili smo deset uzbudljivih godina Bitefa. A taj deseti Bitef bio je slavljenički i po broju i po kvaliteto priloga, i po značaju i slavi njegovih učesnika, a bio je i Teatar nacija. No, Miri Trailovič i Jovanu Čirilovu to nije bilo dovoljno, razmislili su i dosetili se da bi pogodan slavljenički prilog Festivalu bili filmovi povezani sa teatrom. Radila sam na filmu, u Festu, na realizaciji programa, muvala se po pozorištu, prevodila slovenačke predstave na Bitefu, prijateljevala s Mirom i Jovanom, te sam verovatno zato bila za njih prirodan izbor za realizacijo te ideje. Odabrala sam priloge i dobila skoro sve što sam tražila, čak i salu SKC-a. Uspeh je bio neočekivan. Program je trajao od završetka predstava na Bitefu, dakle, od ponoči, pa do 5 sati ujutro, Sala je bila puna, pa je odlučeno da Bitef na filmu postane stalna prateča manifestacija. Trajalo je to četrdeset godina. U jednom trenutku publika je počela da se osipa. Zašto? U Beogradu/Jugoslaviji 1976. postojala su dva TV kanala koja nisu emitovaia program 24 časa; u torn trenutku nema videa, DVD-a, pejdžera, interneta, mobilnih i smart telefona, Jutjuba; ne bombarduju nas informacijama, a oni kojima su one potrebne moraju da se pomuče da do njih dođu. Te 1976, godine sam savetniku za kulturu Nemačke ambasade Krištofu Brumeru dala spisak predstava nama več dobro poznatih autora za koje sam znala da su snimljene. Tada sejoš uglavnom snimalo na filmsku traku 35 i 16 mm. Dva meseca pred početak Bitefa, g.

26 th SEPTEMBER 18:00 FESTIVAL CENTRE (ANDRICEV VENAC 2) NOT EVERY END IS SAD In 1976, we celebrated Bitefs ten exciting years. It was a truly festive event equally in terms of the number and quality of events and the importance and fame of its participants. It was also the Theatre des Nations. However, Mira Trailović and Jovan Cirilov were still not happy so they gave it a thought and came up with the idea that an appropriate birthday contribution would be films'related to theatre. I used to work in the film industry, organised the FEST programme, knocked about theatres, translated Slovenian productions shown at BITEF, was friends with Mira and Jovan and it was probably only natural that they chose me to put this idea through. 1 made a choice and got almost everything I had asked for including the SKC hall, it met with unexpected success. The programme began when Bitef productions ended, that is from midnight until 5 a.m. The hall was full and it was decided that Bitef on Film should become a permanent side programme. It went on for 40 years. At some point the audience began to dwindle. Why? In 1976 there were two TV channels in Belgrade/Yugoslavia and they did not broadcast round the clock. At that time there were no videos, DVDs, pagers, the internet or mobile and smart phones, You Tube: we were not flooded with news and those who needed them had to make an effort to get them. That 1976, I gave Christof Brummer, the cultural attaché of the German Embassy, a list of productions by well-known authors which I knew had been recorded. It was still a time of preponderantly 35 and 16 mm film