
s prodornim pogledom u posmatrača. Osim metapoetičke meditacije na temu odnosa pozitiva i negativa, ova fantastična fotografija pokreče - uz utemeljena mogučnost da je ovde na delu zaneto kritičarsko učitavanje - i univerzalno, ako hočete filozofsko pitanje, a koje prožima i ceo fotografski opus autora: kakav je odnos istog i različitog, koliko je isto zaista isto, da li je blisko stvarno blisko, koliko je Drugo zaista Drugo. Ivan Medenica KOSTA ĐURAKOVIĆ komunicira istražujuči nago telo i pejzaž kroz različite medije/žanrove - fotografiju, eksperimentalni film, muzički spot, kratku priču, poeziju... Završio je Školu za dizajn, a trenutno započinje poslednjo godinu Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu, Portretom se bavi od trinaeste godine. Produkcija izložbe: SOUND RAY PRODUCTION i Isidora P. Mar

the other piercingly staring at us. Apart from metapoetic meditation on the relation between positive and negative, this fantastic photo stirs - allowing for the possibility of a captivated critic’s interpretation - one universal or, if you like it, even philosophical question which permeates his entire photography opus: what is the relationship between the same and the different, to which extent is the same really the same, is the close truly close, to which degree is the Other really the Other. Ivan Medenica KOSTA ĐURAKOVIĆ communicates through exploration of nude and landscape through various media/ genres - photography, experimental film, music clips, short story, poetry... He has finished School for Design and is about to commence his final year at the Faculty of Drama Arts. He has been doing portraits since he was thirteen. Exhibition production: SOUND RAY PRODUCTION and Isidora P. Mar