
Na osnovu ovih hipoteza, mogu se izdvojiti neka opšta i početna pitanja (i takve dileme) povezane sa fenomenom dugih predstava: - da li „ekscesi trajanja" zaista nužno dovode do toga da vreme počinjemo da percipiramo kao pozorišnu temu/pozorišni problem: da li postoje duge predstave u kojima to nije slučaj? - da li dugo trajanje neminovno labavi strukturu predstave, te zamagljuje granicu izmedu života i pozorišta, i čini da predstava, čak i ako nije tako postavljena, prerasta u performans (da se njen dogadajni/iskustveni aspekt pojačava)? - da li su duge predstave zaista politička/civilizacijska alternativa svetu užurbanosti, površnosti, rentabilnosti i konzumerizma, ili je njihova grandioznost upravo način na koji savremena kultura obilja komodifkuje umetnost? Ivan Medenica IZVORI: • Banu, Georges, “L’interface du grand format”. Le Grand format: Les Alternatives Théâtrales 119, 2013. • Etchells, Tim, "When theatre is the time of your life", The Guardian, 27. 02. 2009. • Lehmann, Hans-Thies, Postdramsko kazaliste, CDU/TkH, Zagreb/ Beograd, 2004. • Maurin, Frédéric, "Le grand et ses paradoxes”. Le Grand format: Les Alternatives Théâtrales 119, 2013. Shevtsova, Maria, Robert Wilson, Routledge, London/New York, 2007. Na Tribini učestvuju teatrolozi i umetnici različitih generacija koji su ispitivali fenomen „durational performances" bilo iz ugla umetničke prakse, ili iz ugla teorijskih istraživanja o njemu samom ili o umetnicima koji su ovaj fenomen artikulisaii u svojim predstavama, kao što su Bob Vilson, Marina Abramovič, Piter Bruk, Kristijan Lupa, trupa Forsd Entertainment i mnogi drugi: prof. dr Marija Ševcova (Univer. Goldsmit, London; kourednica časopisa New Theater Quarterly), prof. dr Žorž Bani (Nova Sorbona - Pariz 3, urednik časopisa Alternatives théâtrales, počasni predsednik Medunarodne asocijacije pozorišnih kritičara), Keti Naden (glumica, koosnivač trupe Forsd Entertainment, Šefild), prof. Goran Sergej Pristaš (Akademija dramske umjetnosti, Zagreb, koosnivač kolektiva BADco, osnivač i prvi urednik časopisa Frakcija) i Bojana Jankovič (gostujuči predavač na Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London, pozorišna rediteljka i kritičarka) Moderator Tribine: prof, dr Ivan Medenica, Fakultet dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu, umetnički direktor Bitefa

warns that excess is precisely the 'quality' with which modern society of ‘affluence and unbridled multiplication' turns art into commodity. These insights allow us to deduce some general and initial questions/dilemmas related to the phenomenon of durational performances: - do the 'excesses of duration’ truly and inevitably result in our beginning to perceive time as a subject/problem in theatre; are there durational performances where this is not the case? - does long duration inevitably loosen the structure of the play and blur the boundary between life and theatre, turning the spectacle, even if not conceived as such, into a performance (enhancing its experiential aspects)? - are durational performances truly a political/civilisational alternative to the world of haste, superficiality, profitability, and consumerism, or is their grandiosity precisely the way in which the modern culture of affluence commodifies art? Ivan Medenica SOURCES•Banu, Georges, “L’interface du grand format", Le Grand format: Les Alternatives Théâtrales 119, 2013, •Etchells, Tim, “When theatre is the time of your life", The Guardian, 27. 02. 2009. •Lehmann, Hans-Thies, Postdramsko kazalište, CDU/TkH, Zagreb/ Beograd, 2004. •Maurin, Frédéric, “Le grand et ses paradoxes", Le Grand format: Les Alternatives Théâtrales 119, 2013. Shevtsova, Maria, Robert Wilson, Routledge, London/New York, 2007. The participants of the panel are theatre scholars and artists of different generations who have studied the phenomenon of 'durational performance’ either in their artistic practice or theoretical research, as well as artists who have articulated it in their performances, such as Bob Wilson, Marina Abramovič, Peter Brook, Krystian Lupa, Forced Entertainment company, and many others: Prof, Maria Shevtsova (Goldsmiths, University of London; editor of New Theatre Quarterlyj, Prof. Georges Banu (Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, editor of Alternatives théâtrales, honorary president of the International Theatre Critics Association), Cathy Naden (actress, co-founder of Forced Entertainment, Sheffield), Prof. Goran Sergej Pristaš (Academy of Dramatic Arts, Zagreb, co-founder of BADco collective, founder and first editor of Frakcija magazine), and Bojana Jankovič (visiting lecturer, The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London, theatre director and critic). Moderator: Prof. Ivan Medenica, Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, artistic director of Bitef