

Svrha ovog programa jeste da se iskoristi jedinstvena prilika - boravak stranih gostiju u Srbiji, te da im se prikaže izbor iz domače produkcije koja nije zastupljena u glavnom programu Bitefa, Ü kreiranju ovog programa, umetnički tim Bitefa ne vodi se nužno time da predstave odgovaraju Bitefovim „novim tendencijama" več time da ostvaruju visoke umetničke domete, Ove godine, ipak, čini se da su svi „bitefovski" kriterijumi ispunjeni. U okviru programa predstavljamo, po našem mišljenju, jedan od najzanimljivijih i najsnažnijih segmenata domačeg pozorišnog života u prošloj sezoni, predstave subotičkih pozorišta na mađarskom jeziku. One ne samo da su umetnički relevantne več mogu da predstavljaju putokaz i za celokupno domače pozorište. Pozorišta na madarskom jeziku svoj identitet grade na telesnoj i ekspresivnoj glumačkoj igri, u ovom slučaju otvarajuči se prema poetikama iz drugih delova regiona (Beograd, Sarajevo). Tako se stvara multikulturalno pozorište, poput i samog Bitefa. Ovogodišnji Showcase imače formu svojevrsnog pozorišnog maratona. Naime, predstave če se izvoditi u jednom danu, u tri termina: od 17 i 19 časova, i u 21 čas. Takode, biče izmešten iz Beograda i održače se na matičnim scenama u Subotici. Za sve zainteresovane biče organizovan autobuski prevoz iz Beograda.

The purpose of this programme is to seize the unique opportunity offered by the presence of foreign critics and guests in Serbia and show them selected local productions not included in the main programme of the festival, While creating this programme, Bitef’s artistic team is not necessarily led by the accordance of the performances with Bitef’s "new tendencies”, but is more focused on choosing the ones which constitute relevant artistic achievements. This year, however, it seems that all “Bitef" criteria have been met. In this programme, we shall show what we believe is one of the most interesting and potent segments of the past season's theatre life: productions of theatres from Subotica in Hungarian. Apart from being artistically relevant, they can also lead the way for the local theatre as a whole. Theatres in Hungarian forge their identity by placing focus on physical and expressive acting, in this case opening up to the poetics from other parts of the region (Belgrade, Sarajevo). This approach leads to the creation of multicultural theatre, the kind that Bitef itself is. This year, Showcase will be a kind of a theatre marathon. The productions will be performed in a single day, at 5, 7 and 9 p.m. Moreover, they will take place not in Belgrade but on their original stages in Subotica, Bus transport from Belgrade will be provided.