

na bubašvabe (Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište), Otelo (Grad teatar Budva / Zetski dom / Festival MESS), Život je pred tobom, Smrt trgovačkog putnika, Anđeli čuvari (Beogradsko dramsko pozorište), Revizor, Urnebesna tragedija, Samoubica (Črnogorsko narodno pozorište, Podgorica), Prah, Nesporazum (Narodno pozorište u Beogradu), Garderober (SNG Maribor), Gozba (Zvezdara teatar), Kičma (Narodno pozorište Subotica). Predstave koje je režirao gostovale su i nagrađivane na više od dvadeset festivala kod nas i u inostranstvu. Medu njima su Sterijino pozorje - Novi Sad, Drama festival - Ljubljana, Festival MESS - Sarajevo, Ex ponto - Ljubljana, Jugoslovanski pozorišni festival - Užice, Grad teatar - Budva, Festival malih scena - Rijeka...

How many times have you been in a situation to see yourself as expendable merchandise, to receive a ‘drip by drip’ reward for your efforts, how many times have you lost your 'backbone' at the photocopying speed without even being aware of it... That is reality. And everything is OK. That is, if you can sleep untroubled... VELJKO MIĆUNOVIĆ (1986), theatre director, graduated from the University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, under Professor Egon Savin. As assistant director he collaborated with Yiri Menzel and Paolo Magelli, Following his exam play, based on Georges Feydeau’s text Please Don’t Walk Around in the Nude!, he put on Hunting Cockroaches (Yugoslav Drama Theatre), Othello (Theatre City Budva/Zetski Dom/Festival), The Life Before Us, Death of a Salesman, My Three Angels (Belgrade Drama Theatre), The Government Inspector, The Tragic Burlesque, The Suicide (Montenegrin National Theatre, Podgorica), Dust, The Misunderstanding (National Theatre in Belgrade). The Dresser (SNG Maribor), The Feast (Zvezdara Theatre), Slipped Disc (National Theatre Subotica). The plays that he directed were performed and won awards at more than twenty festivals, both locally and abroad, including: Sterijino Pozorje - Novi Sad, Drama Festival - Ljubljana, Festival MESS - Sarajevo, Ex Ponto - Ljubljana, Yugoslav Theatre Festival - Užice, Theatre City - Budva, Small Scenes Festival - Rijeka...