
26. SEPTEMBAR 15:00 MESTO IZVOĐENJA: USTANOVA KULTURE „PAROBROD" MISLITI KONCEPTUALNO INTERAKTIVNA PREZENTACIJA REALIZACIJA: TE ATA R MIMART. BEOGRAD, SRBIJA AUTORSKI TIM: NELA ANTONOVIĆ, LIDIJA ANTONOVIĆ I MLADI UČESNICI U PROJEKTU Prezentacija je participativna i bavi se konceptualnim mišljenjem mladih u EU projektu TCFT The Complete Freedom of Truth / Potpuna sloboda istine, koji je razvijan od 2014. do 2017. Qodine. Teatar Mimart je partner na projektu i Nela Antonović je, kroz Mimart metodu, istraživala konceptualno mišljenje mladih iz sedam zemalja. Ovim projektom mladi su stimulisani da pokreču važna pitanja o demokratiji i diplomatiji, te da udruženi u interkulturalne mreže zajedno utiču na pozitivne promene u društvu. Projekat je podržao EU ERASMUS+ program i Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije.

26 th SEPTEMBER 15:00 VENUE: CULTURAL INSTITUTION “PAROBROD” TO THINK CONCEPTUALLY INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION PRODUCTION: THEATRE MIMART, BELGRADE, SERBIA AUTHORS: NELA ANTONOVIĆ, LIDIJA ANTONOVIĆ AND YOUNG PARTICIPANTS IN THE PROJECT This presentation is participatory and deals with conceptual thinking of young people within the EU project TCFT The Complete Freedom of Truth, which was being developed between 2014 and 2017. Theatre Mimart is a partner in the project in the course of which Nela Antonović conducted a research, through Mimart methodology, on the conceptual thinking of young people from seven countries. The young people are stimulated to raise important issues on democracy and diplomacy, and to influence positive social changes together through their intercultural networks. The project is supported by EU ERASMUS+ programme and the Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Serbia.