


Svake godine, Showcase domaćlh pozonsta organizuje se s ciljem da se stranim gostima Bitefa pruži uvid u produkciju srpskih pozorišta, U koncipiranju programa, umetnički tim najviše obraća pažnju na visoke umetničke domete odabranih predstava, pri čemu one ne moraju nužno da odgovaraju umetničkim ili tematskim okvirima selekcije glavnog programa. Ipak, dni se da svaka od četiri predstave u ovom programu na određeni nadn korespondira s temom ovogodišnjeg festivala, uspostavljajud tako svojevrsni dijalog sa glavnim programom.

Rosie prošlogodišnjeg ~izleta“ programa u Suboticu, kada je publici predstavljena produkcija pozorišta na madarskom jeziku, Showcase 52. Bitefa je osmišljen tako da predstavi produkciju najznačajnijih beogradskih pozorišta. Imajući u vidu dnjenicu da je jedna predstava Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu u glavnom programu festivala, dok će Showcase sadržati produkcije Ateljea 212, Bitef teatra i Beogradskog dramskog pozorišta, zainteresovana publika imaće priliku da stekne uvid u savremenu beogradsku pozorišnu produkciju.

The main purpose of the side programme Showcase of Serbian Theatre, which is organized every year, is to offer an opportunity for foreign guests to get a glimpse into theatre production in Serbia. Creating it, the artistic team is led mostly by high artistic standards of the chosen performances which do not necessarily have to match the artistic or thematic stream of the main programme. Still, each of this year’s four selected performances seem to somehow correspond with this year’s festival main topic thus establishing a unique dialogue with the main programme.

After last year’s “trip" to Subotica, when the audience saw theatre production in Hungarian, Showcase at this 52" a Bitef is dedicated to presenting the production of the most relevant Belgrade theatres. Since one production by the National Theatre in Belgrade has been selected in the main programme, and the Showcase will show the performances produced by Atelje 212, Bitef Theatre and Belgrade Drama Theatre, the audience will be presented with an opportunity to get acquainted with the contemporary Belgrade theatre production.