


Nastala po motivima istoimenog satiričnog romana Gabrijela Ševaljea, Klošmerl je predstava o pokušaju kvazimodernizacije tradicionalne sredine kao obliku poiitičke strategije. Narativ romana, nastalog u kontekstu modernističkog razvoja zapadnoevropskog društva prve polovine prošlog veka, poslužio je kao svojevrsni poligon za identifikaciju aktuelnih društvenopolitičkih sadržaja u tranzicionim društvima, kakvo je i naše, Sukob tradicionalnog i modernog promišljanja razvoja društva objašnjava se rupturama u funkcionisanju jedne uslovno rečeno izolovane zajednice. Ove su pukotine, kao hiperbole, predstavljene u predstavi, kao i u romanu, kroz razlidte mehanizme kritičke trivijalizacije progresa u konstrukcijama sociokulturnih fenomena poput slobode građana, njihove jednakosti i pitanja identiteta. Jezik predstave se, tako, razvija kao stiiizovani scenski izraz (govorni, koreografski i glumački) omogućavajući jednu vrstu analitičkog i kritičkog detektovanja, imenovanja i diskutovanja tema iz romana i naše političke stvarnosti.

Based on the eponymous satirical play by Gabriel Chevallier, Clochemerle is a performance about an attempt of quasi-modernization of the traditional surrounding as a mode of political strategy. The main narrative, written in the context of modernist development of western society in the first half of the 20th century, has been used as a unique ground for identification of current social and political contents in transitional societies, such as ours. The clash between traditional and modern approach to social development is explained through ruptures in the functioning of an isolated community. These cracks are. like hyperboles, presented in the performance, as well as in the novel, through various mechanisms of critical trivialization of progress in the constructions of sociocultural phenomena such as citizens' freedom, their equality, and the question of identity. The language of the performance thus develops as stylized stage lan-

guage (spoken, choreographed and acted) facilitating a kind of analytical and critical space for detecting, naming and discussing the topics from the novel and our political reality.