
Devetnaesta Bitef POLIFONIJA, kao prated program Bitefa posvećen ulozi pozorišnih umetnika i drugih stvaralaca u radu s mladima, održaće se ove godine od 15. do 21. septembra. Podstaknut konceptom 52. Bitefa, sloganom „Svet bez ljudi" i usmerenjem na one umetničke pojave u savremenom pozorištu i izvođačkim umetnostima koje ukazuju na uznemirujuće društvene fenomene savremenog sveta, naslov 19. Bitef POLIFONIJE glasi „KAKO SI Tl ŽIV?“. Otvarajud dijalog na teme koje su u fokusu ovogodišnjeg programa, Bitef POLIFONIJA nastavlja traganje za polifonom dramom i pozorištem kroz višeglasje, mnogozvučnost, varijacije i kontrapunkt... sa svojim autorima, učesnicima i zainteresovanom publikom.

„KAKO SI Tl ŽIV?" je, u stvari, replika iz predstave Smrt fašizmu! O Ribarima i Slobodi , nove produkcije nezavisne omladinske trupe Reflektor teatra, oko koje se kreira čitav jedan poiifoni programski blok sa autorskim radionicama pozorišnog procesa, koji tematski i problemski pokreću istraživanje savremene izvođačke prakse kao umetnibkog polazišta za preispitivanje različitih vidova aktivizma, otvorenosti za lične price i aktuelna društvena pitanja, za problematizovanje sećanja i prošlosti, za opterebenja života u sadašnjosti, ali i za vizije obekivane i bolje budućnosti.

Program se nastavlja zapodnjanjem nove inicijative, ~NA LICU MESTA", podstaknute uspehom prošlogodišnjeg organizovanog odlaska autobusom na gledanje predstave Alisa u autentičnim prostorima igranja, gde su scenu činili hodnici i holovi pozorišta u Lazareveu. Ovogodišnjim programskim segmentom odlaska na lice mesta, Bitef POLIFONUA poziva učesnike i publiku u Kragujevac, gde be se upoznati s novim projektom, procesom rada, kompleksnom scenskom postavkom i specifibnim konceptom pozorišta zajednice predstave Dvesta Knjaževsko-srpskog teatra.

U svetskoj godini posvebenoj kulturnom nasledu, Bitef POLIFONUA daje podršku razvoju alternativnog bitanja epike i ispitivanju ideoloških matrica narodnih pesama čije dejstvo snažno određuje i savremene društvene odnose. U okviru projekta Epske igrice, Umetnibke grupe Hop.La! (prošle godine izvedeno Zidanje Skadra ), ove godine be na Bitef POLIFONIJI biti premijerno izvedena Ženidba Dušanova.

Od posebnog znabaja za program Bitef POLIFONIJE je pogled u budubnost i obeležavanje njenog dvadesetog izdanja sledebe godine. U saradnji sa Filmkultu-

Nineteenth Bitef POLYPHONY, as the festival side programme dedicated to the role that theatre artists and other creators have in the work with young people, will be held from 15 th to 21 st September. Encouraged by 52 nd Bitef concept, expressed through its slogan “World Without Us” and its focus on the art phenomena in contemporary theatre and performing arts that point out at disturbing social phenomena of the contemporary society, the title of 19 th Bitef POLYPHONY is “HOW COME YOU ARE ALIVE?”. Opening the discussion about the main topics in this year’s programme. Bitef POLYPHONY continues its search for polyphonic drama and theatre through multitude of voices, multitude of sounds, variations and counterpoints... with its authors, participants and the audience.

“HOW COME YOU ARE ALIVE?" is a line from the performance Death to Fascism: On Heroes and Freedom, a new production by the independent youth company Spotlight Theatre which has become the pivot of an entire polyphony bloc with workshops on various parts of a theatre process that encourage the exploration of contemporary performing practice as artistic starting point for the exploration of various modes of activism, openness for personal stories and social issues, for problematizing memory and the past, for the life burdened with the present, but also for vision of a better future.

The programme continues with a new initiative called “ON THE SPOT”, encouraged by the last year's bus trip to the performance Alice, which was played on authentic venues - the corridors and halls of a theatre in Lazarevac. This year, Bitef POLYPHONY invites participants and audience to Kragujevac, where they will learn about a new project, its work process, complex set and the specific concept of community theatre performance Two Hundred by Knjaževsko-srpski teatar.

In the European Year of Cultural Heritage, Bitef POLYPHONY promotes the development of an alternative reading of epic poetry and of the deliberation of ideological matrix of folk poems which strongly determine contemporary social relations. As a part of the project Epic Games by the Art troupe Hop.La! (last year we saw the performance Wailing of Skadar), Bitef POLYPHONY this year presents The Wedding of Emperor Dušan.