

kakve su Cenzura, Umetnost preživ/javanja i Protest, sve tri organizovane u Jafi. PAAM je njegova prva celovečernja pozorišna instalacija, premijerno prikazana 2016. na Acco festivalu alternativnog pozorišta.


„Jedinstveno veličanstveno putovanje ka ličnoj i kolektivnoj prošlosti... uvlači publiku u nostalgični vir koji zahteva koncentraciju i pažnju... ako se vratimo na debatu o avangardnom pozorištu, ova predstava, kao osvežavajući psihodelični trip, predstavlja upravo to." Jair Aškenazi, Harec Dejli njus pejper

„PA’AM je multidisciplinarno delo koje preispituje koncept sećanja i njegovih komponenata. Barnea vas uvlači u trip iz kog je teško izaći. Istinski magično." Ofir Halel, Mariv Dejli njus pejper

has established himself as a leading light and sound designer working with many prominent dance and theatre creators. As a singer-songwriter, Barnea has published his debut album in 2014, which received praising reviews and was played extensively in various radio stations. In the last three years Barnea has started creating lighting and sound installations that were presented within group multidisciplinary exhibitions such as Censorship, The Art to Survive and Protest all in Azal3 in Jaffa. PA’AM is his first full length theatrical-installation. The work premiered within the 2016 Acco Festival for Alternative Theatre.


“A unique fascinating journey to the personal and collective past... drawing the audience to a nostalgic conscious stream that requires concentration and at-