
U okviru pratećeg programa Susreti sa autorima , Bitef nastavlja da neguje tradiciju javnih polemika izmedu svojih autora i njihove publike. Od osnivanja Festivala, ovaj program zamišljen je kao prostor u kom se autori predstava iz glavnog programa susreću sa Bitefovom publikom da bi razgovarali o predstavama, procesima, umetničkim načelima, temama koje predstave pokreću, ali i o širem društvenom kontekstu u okviru kog su nastale. Svi značajni autori koji su u prethodnih pedeset godina prikazaii svoj rad na Bitefu bili su učesnici ovog programa, a svi vođeni razgovori su snimljeni, transkribovani i sačuvani u festivalskom arhivu, kao i u legatu Jovana Ćirilova, koji se čuva u Arhivu Grada Beograda. Transkripti ovih razgovora dokumenti su od neprocenjive važnosti za istraživače, istoričare, umetnike, ali i publiku zainteresovanu za istoriju i značaj Bitefa. Počevši od vremena Hladnog rata, kada je ovaj Festival bio jedina tačka pozorišnog susreta Istoka i Zapada, a Susreti sa autorima prilika da najznačajniji pozorišni umetnici razmene svoja mišljenja i iskustva, ovaj program je nekoliko puta promenio svoj naziv i formu, prated duh vremena i razlidte trendove u okviru svetske scene izvođačkih umetnosti. Poznat pod imenima Susreti sa stvaraocima, Susreti sa publikom, Tematski susreti sa publikom, i najzad: Susreti sa autorima, ovaj program nije menjao svoju suštinu: bio je i ostao prostor za sredivanje utisaka nakon pogledanih predstava, ali i prostor gde publika može da postavi pitanja autorima ili komentariše njihov rad. Format Susreta sa autorima na 52. Bitefu zamišljen je kao pričaonica koju otvaraju kratka i jasna pitanja. Vreme za diskusiju ograničeno na 45 minuta, uz obaveznu priliku da se red da i publici. Pored autora predstava, u razgovoru će učestvovati i drugi članovi njihovih trupa, zainteresovani da čuju mišljenje beogradske pubiike. Razgovori sa stranim gostima vodiće se na engleskom jeziku, a sa autorima iz Srbije i regiona na lokalnim jezicima, uz obezbeden prevod za strane goste.

Moderatorka Susreta sa autorima Milena Bogavac

As part of the Meeting the Authors side programme, Bitef continues to foster the tradition of public debates between its authors and their audiences. Since the inception of the festival, this program has been envisioned as a space where the authors of the productions from the main programme would meet the Bitef audience, in order to discuss the productions, processes, artistic principles, issues raised by the plays, but also the broader social context within which they were created. All significant authors who have presented their work at Bitef in the past 50 years took part in this programme, and all discussions were recorded, transcribed and preserved in the festival’s archives, as well as in Jovan Ćirilov’s legacy, which is housed by the City of Belgrade Archives. The transcripts of these discussions are invaluable as documents for researchers, historians, artists, as well as members of the public interested in the history and significance of Bitef. Since the beginning of the Cold War. when this festival was the only point for the theatrical meeting of East and West, and Meeting the Authors was an opportunity for the most important theatre artist to exchange their opinions and experiences, the programme has changed its name and form several times, keeping up with the spirit of the times and trends on the global performance art stage. Known under the names - Meeting the Creators, Meeting the Audience, Thematic Meetings with the Audience, and finally, Meeting the Authors - this program never changed its essence; it was and still is a space for systematizing impressions after watching the shows, but also a space where the audience can ask the authors questions, or comment on their work. At the 52 nd Bitef, the format of the Meeting the Authors is devised as a chatroom, opening with short and clear questions. Limit for the discussion is 45 minutes, which includes questions from the audience, in addition to the authors of the productions, the participants will also include other members of their companies, who might be interested in hearing the opinions of the Belgrade audience. The talks with foreign guest will be held in English, and with authors from Serbia and countries in the region in the local language, with interpretation provided for foreign guests.

Moderator of Meeting the Authors Milena Bogavac