Bulletin of Catholic University of Peking


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“«The institution is financially sound, its buildings numerous and capacious, its discipline excellent. The students, however, who have been sent to this School from the Provinces are not in all cases consistently up to standard.’

“Tn the report returned by those who inspected the said institution on the first occasion, We read as follows:

“<This institution was founded, and is supported by American Catholics, for the twofold purpose of introducing the most modern developments of Western science and of preserving as well as vitalizing the traditional culture of China (aims which are in harmony with the policy of this Ministry).

“The important administrative and magisterial functions are entrusted to persons of our own nationality, who enjoy the full co-operation of the Foreign Staff.’

“This also is in conformity with the regulations of this Ministry. Hence We accede to their Petition and grant.them Registration under probation.

“There are, however, several things in their Statutes which should be altered as indicated below:

“(1) Chapter V, Article 20, Section 1, which reads: ‘The Preparatory Course accepts graduates of Middle Schools,’ should be altered to read: ‘accepts graduates of four-year Junior Middle Schools upon examination.’ “(2) Chapter V, Article 20, Section 4, which reads: “They shall be given a diploma of graduation,’ should be amended to read: “a certificate of studies.’

“(3) Chapter V, Article 21, Section 1, which reads: “The Collegiate Course accepts graduates of Senior Middle Schools,’

should be amended to read: “receives upon examination.’

“Tn Article 9 of the Plan of Studies, Theodicy which is listed as a prescribed

- Subject in the Department of Philosophy,

should be eliminated, and Natural Religion should be made an elective instead of a prescribed course.

“Article 14 of Chapter VII should be amended to read: ‘A student whose general average is above 80% shall be awarded the grade A; students above 70% shall be awarded: the grade B; those above 60%, the grade C; those below 60% shall be rated as having failed, but shall be privileged to retake the course, or the examinations, provided their general average was above 50%—otherwise, they shall be required to discontinue their studies.’

“These alterations should be made without delay, in order to meet the requirements of the Ministerial Regulations.

“As regards those members of the student body, who have made their studies in non-registered missionary schools and whose education does not, in consequence, accord with the regular standard, We shall pronounce on their scholastic status only after We shall have given them a special examination. “We urge the immediate observance of all points stipulated in this Mandate.

“Signed this 3rd day of November, in the sixteenth year of the Chinese Repub-


lic (1927).” “ Seal of the Ministry of Education”

“Signature and Seal of LIU (Liu Chéh)”’ “Minister of Education.”