Chinese Literature


by CHou Lt-Po

ularly dreaded for his cruelty.

In 1946, after Yuanmao has been liberated, a work team arrives to help the peasants carry out land reform. We see how slow the villagers are to put their trust in the government workers and to unite against the landlords, yet how, once aroused, they Sweep down on their enemies with all the force of a hurricane! Even after they receive land, however, their troubles are not over; association passes into the hands of crooks who are in league with the landlords, and a further struggle is required to achieve real democracy in the village.

This is a richly human book, written by a man who understands the peasants and shares their humour. The chapters describing the landlords’ attempts to

More significant are those describing the character and experiences of ordinary folk like the old carter Sun or the little swineherd Wu. Here is Pai, too, a loafer when we first meet him, whose pretty wife is always nagging at her shiftless husband. We see how their relationship is strained by the tremendous upheaval that land reform causes in their lives, but how they win through to mutual respect and happiness. We meet the poor peasants Chao and Kuo with their unassuming courage and selflessness. And through these and many other unforgettable characters we are able to understand something of the life won by hundreds of millions of peasants in China today.

Illustrated with woodcuts

by Li Crt

This is a long ballad about the love of two poor peasants during the Second Revolutionary Civil War in Northern Shensi. In the simple but lively form of Northern Shensi folk songs, this poem describes the crimes of the reactionary landlords and militarists, and the victory of the revolutionary workers and peasants,

Illustrated with colour plates


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