Chinese Medical Journal, Jan 01, 1956, page 101
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Innervation of the Atrio-Ventricular Node of the Heart. K. T. Tcheng. Acta Anatomia _ Sinica 1(1):25-32, 1953. :
The author’s observations on the innervation of the atrio-ventricular node of the dog and the lamb by Weber’s silver impregnation technic may be summarized as follows:
1. The atrio-ventricular node of the dog and the lamb receives a rich innervation, particularly the latter. With the aid of a reconstruction of the A-V node on the superposed glass plates, the topography of the nerves in the node in relation to the cardiac ganglia in the interauricular septum of the heart of the lamb is clearly demonstrated. 2. With Weber’s silver impregnation technic, one can distinguish 3 kinds of nerve fibers in the A-V node: the coarse, deeply impregnated fibers as the sensory; the fine, black fibers as the parasympathetic postganglionic: and the finest, pale fibers as the sympathetic postganglionic fibers. :
3. The sensory and parasympathetic preganglionic fibers degenerate after the vagotomy, while the sympathetic postganglionic ones degenerate after the removal of the middle cervical and stellate ganglia. The parasympathetic postganglionic fibers remain intact in spite of these operations.
4. The sensory endings in the A-V node are seen in one or more terminal grains, or in the form of “grappe de raisin”. The majority of the sympathetic and parasympathetic postganglionic fibers terminate in the metaterminal apparatuses of Weber. The intraprotoplasmic ending in muscular fibers of the A-V node is also observed.
In Vivo Action of Ribonuclease on Mouse Liver Cells. Li Chao-T’eh. Acta Anatomia Sinica 1(1):33-44, 1953.
A solution of crystalline ribonuclease was injected intraperitoneally and intravenously into the blood stream of the mouse. A depletion of ribonucleic acid together with a decrease of calcium ash was observed in the cortical portion of the liver cell 12 minutes after the injection until recovery of normal distribution 122 hours later. The possible
association of calcium with ribonucleic acid in the cytoplasm constituents of the liver cell is discussed. ,
Acid and Alkaline Phosphatases in the Early Development of Mouse Embryos. Chang Tso-Kan. Acta Anatomia Sinica 1(1): 45-60, 1953.
Mouse embryos 1-9 days of vaginal plug age, ranging from fertilized ovum to 7somite stages were used for the study of acid and alkaline phosphatases according to MacDonald’s and Danielli’s modified methods. respectively. We found that the distribution of the two kinds of phosphatases in the above mentioned stages to be similar in their general pattern. The phosphatases are weak in the fertilized ovum and morula but increase considerably during blastocyst formation and differentiation of ectoderm and endoderm. Subsequently. the reaction in the egg cylinder is weakened as a whole, the proamnion being relatively stronger than the extra-embryonic ectoderm, proximal endoderm and meésometrial side of trophectoderm. The phosphatases begin to increase again during mesoderm formation and the amnionic folds and mesodermal cells get darker than the other structures of the embryo. During the primitive streak stage the intensity reaches the highest point in the primitive streak, neural plate and brain vesicles. The intensity of the mesoderm and endoderm decreases towards the anterior end of the embryo. After the appearance of 3 brain vesicles, the reaction in the mesencephalon is weaker than in the fore and hind brains and that in the evaginating part is weaker than in the adjacent regions between the vesicles of the two sides and between the general ectoderm and the vesicles. The above distribution indicates that actively proliferating and migrating structures have a_higher content of phosphatases.