Chinese Medical Journal, Jan 01, 1956, page 26


it will be seen that pumpkin seeds when used alone have only little anthelmintic effect; in none of the cases treated was the entire worm expelled. Of the 9 patients treated with this drug, only 1: was completely cured; the remaining 8 patients passed gravid segments again later. Pumpkin seed oil is also not effective. In the series in which it was used

Table 1. Results of treatment of 165 cases of T. saginata infection ——————

Interval 9. ¢ n tw Gla Sy = 2 Kind of Method of ad- Dosage (gm) ite S52 83 5% Rateof @ preparation ministration aaa MgSO So 8S “S=! cures) n + S25) -0 es ~ (hour) s s s Pumpkin seed Whole kernels Seed : a kernels only by mastication kernel 120 3 9 1 8 i111 : Whole kernel Pumpkin seed aaa Seed kernel and by mastication, kernel 50-120 - = b areca nut de- az 1 40 27 13. 67.50 areca nut de- coction at same paece. = coction Eine nut 50-100 Seed kernel by geeq E mastication, 3 _ on e r » hours later gerel 60-125 05 38° «35 3 92.10 arecg nut de- ms coction ae 30-100 Whol Pumpkin seed First take seed eee a kernel powder powder, 2 hours powder 50 05 12 12 0 100.00 and areca nut later areca nut Areca decoction decoction ae 80 QOil-free pump- First take oil- Oil-free kin seed kernel free seed pow- kernel e powder and der, 2 hours powder 50 0.5 46 43 3 93.48 areca nut de- later areca nut Areca eoction decoction nut 80 Decoction, of s1cca mut ide- VAreca aes coction first, 1 oil-free. PUMP> four later des OUt_- 80 f kin kernel pow- moetion of Oll-free 0.5 9 8 1 88.88 der and areca suimpkkin seed kernel t decoction Pumps cee’ powder 50 a powder , First take seed Kernel SO eae powder — resi- powder g pew ore t due, 2 hours residue 40 0.5 4 4 0 100.00 and areca nut jater areca nut Areca decoction decoction nut 80 Pumpkin seed 5 73), (2K¢) Oil, Seed oil 30 _ h oil and areca AR te dee Areca 0.5 i 3 4 49.85

nut decoction


nut 80

the rate of cure was only 42.85 per cent. This result was probably due to the effect of areca nut, because with its use alone a cure rate of 30-50 per cent is obtainable. It seems, therefore, that the active principle of anthelmintic property of pumpkin seed is contained in the oil-free portion, and that it is water-soluble. This is evidenced by the result of treatment