Creative critique and anthropo-philosophy, page 14

science of man’s own inner experience there may not be deduced a true science of values, which we may call Axiology.

From psychology we shall proceed to that other central life science—biology—and to all the other sciences or studies which concern human life—sociology, anthropology, history, geography, language and mythology. Our hypothesis is that the world whole, the planet Earth and Mankind, past, present and future, may be an organic wholeness in course of development, as each individual is an organic wholeness; and that thus the nations, races, religions and philosophies of the world may all be functions of this whole, each with its own proper development and significance in relation to the whole and to the others.

But such a system if it exists cannot be found by individuals who identify themselves completely with any one nation, race, religion or philosophy and affirm it as the only true or right one. So we will study all the parts in their relationship with one another without taking sides with any, for our only concern is with the organism as a whole—the world whole or the individual human whole. We take all human points of view as having a validity of their own, and have to inquire how they come to be so different and whether there may not be a dynamic system of Truth containing all possible contradictions.

We must therefore investigate most carefully the view which has persisted throughout all ages expressing reality in terms of Triunity; in ancient India as Sat-Chit-Ananda, or as BrahmaShiva-Vishnu, in Egypt as Isis-Osiris-Horus, right down to the thesis-antithesis-synthesis of Hegelian dialectic, and in its most perfect form as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit of the Athanasian Creed. This has also been expressed in modern times by Dimitrije Mitrinovié as the triunity and equivalidity of three actual revelations to Man: the revelation of pre-Christian cosmic wisdom: the Christian revelation of the incarnation of God in Man: and the revelation of genius, of the potential divine attainment of Man himself. We must then inquire whether this doctrine of Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity is not the supreme expression of the pattern of organic wholeness in Man, Earth and Universe, and the only hope before us for the attainment of world-synthesis and the creative Peace of Man.