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X Р 0 Н И К А 425 Geroinus: Shakespeare. Leipzig 1849—50. Otto Ludwig: Shakespeare-Studien, Halle. Algernon Cherles Swinburne: A Study of Shakespeare. 3. edit. London 1895. Prof. Dowden: Shakespeare. a critical Study of his Mind and tot. 2. ed. London 1876. Prof. Dowden: немачки од \Y. 'A'agnera, Heillnonn 1882. William Hazlitt: Characters of Shakespeare Plays у Everyman s Library London 1906. Sam. Taylo Coleridge: Essays and Lecture on Shakespeare, ibid. Geo Chapman’s: Poetical \Yorks with Swinburne’s Essay on Ch. Chatto & Wendus, London. Згодно савесно пздање Шекспирових дела у Everyman's Library, у 3 свеске. Emerson’s: Essaysa. Repretrntetive Men, in \Yorld s Classies. Vischer: Shakespeare-Vortrage. 4 Bde, Stuttgart, 1900.