Egyptian religious poetry



To the West ! to the West ! To the land pleasant for life. To the place in which thou art ! Lo, I come! Behold, I come! [c.T.P., p. 20]


May he repose in the Western Mountain, and come forth on the earth to see the disc of the Sun, and may the roads be open to the perfect Spirit which is in the Nether World. May it be granted to him to walk out, to enter and go forth as a living soul, to give offerings to Him-who-is-in-the-Other-World [Osiris], and to present all good things to Ré-Horus, to Nekhebt Lady of Heaven, to Hathor princess of the Desert, to Osiris the great God, to Anubis Lord of the Sacred Land, that they may grant to him the breathing of the sweet breezes of the North Wind. [c.T.P., p. 26]

1 Chant of the human victim.