Egyptian religious poetry



CrLesratTE the festival of God, and repeat the celebration at its appointed season: God is wroth with the transgressor of this command.

The sanctuary of God abhorreth noisy demonstrations : pray with thy whole heart and let thy words be in secret ; He will hearken unto thy words and He will receive thy offering.

Devote thyself to God : take heed to thyself daily because of God, and let tomorrow be as today.

God sees those who work for Him : and esteems lightly those who esteem Him lightly. [EE.L., p. 235]


Do not terrify the people ; for if thou dost God will punish thee.

If any man says that he will live by this means: God will make his mouth empty of food.

Let no man terrify the people : for it is the will of God that they shall be content.

If thou dost humble thyself and dost obey the wise: thy behaviour will be held to be good before God.

Treat thy dependants as well as thou art able : for this is the duty of those whom God has blessed.

Be not harsh in respect of grain : for thou art only an overseer of the food of God. [B.E.L., pp. 226-228]


COMMAND thou men, the flocks of God : he made heaven and earth at their desire. He checked the greed of the waters : and made the air to give life to their nostrils. H