Egyptian religious poetry, page 99



Praise to thee, O Eye of Horus, white, great, over whose beauty the Ennead of the gods rejoices when it rises in the eastern horizon. They who are in what Shu upholdeth adore thee, and they that descend in the western horizon when thou art revealed to them that are in the nether world, praise thee. O Eye of Horus, thou didst cut off the heads of the followers of Setekh. She trod them down, she spat at her foes in her name of Mistress of the Atef crown. Her might is greater than that of her foes in her name of Mistress of Might. The fear of her is instilled into them that defame her in her name of Mistress of Fear. O King of Egypt, thou has set her on thy head that through her thou mayest be great, that through her thou mayest be lofty. Thou abidest on the head of the King and shinest forth on his brow in thy name of Sorceress. Men fear thee, the foreigners fall down before thee on their faces, and the Nine Bows bow their heads to thee, O Sorceress. Thou holdest in bondage for the King the hearts of all foreign countries, the southern, the northern, the eastern, the western, all together. Thou beneficent one, who protecteth her father (Ré), protect the King from his foes, thou Upper Egyptian Enchantress. [BEL., p. 11]