Filatelista, Jul 01, 2001, page 4
Turska državna ı austrijska konzularna pošta u Bosni ı Hercegovini
Djordje Radičević
Kao rezultat šireg istraživanja, uz nastojanje da se izbegnu ponavljanja činjenica koje su obajvljivane u mnogim radovima na ovu temu, u Fadu su predstavljena dva segmenta "Bosanske filatelije":
- turske državne pošte u ретоди 1849-1878. ! - austrijska konzularna pošta u periodu 1850-1878.
Obrađeni su karakteristični periodi poštanske istorije na tlu Bosne i Hercegovine u vreme Turaka: period do pojave poštanskih maraka i period sa markama TUGRA i DULOZ izdanja.
Tretirano je sve ono zbog čega filatelisti pokazuju veliko interesovanje – poštanski biroi, poštanski žigovi, marke, tarife, uhutrašnji i međunarodni poštanski saobraćaj, mešovite frankature i dr.
zneta su i heka hova saznanja, razmišljanja ıi nedoumice. Prvi put u našoj Jilatelističkoj periodici obrađeni su veoma retki objekti poštanske istorije koji pripadaju ovom području.
Zbog obimnosti rad će biti predstavljen u nekoliko nastavaka.
4s a result of extehsive research and endeavouring to avoid repetition of the Jacts published in many papers dealing with this subject, this paper presents two segments of "Bosnian Philately":
- Turkish state post in the period 1849-1878, and - 4ustrian consular post in the period 1850-1876.
The paper deals with characteristic periods of postal history on the soil of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Turkish rule: the period until the appearance of postage stamps and the period with stamps of TUGRA and DULOZ issues.
The paper has dealt with all that philatelists are greatly interested in — post offices, post seals, stamps, rates, domestic and international traffic, mixed Jrankages, etc.
ft also presents some new knowledge, considerations and dilemmas. For the Jirst time in our philately periodicals, some very rare objects of postal history belonging to this area have been dealt with.
On account of its volume, the paper will be presented in several installments.