History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


shipbuilders and boat-makers, 26 are Parsis. We are not surprised to find that the greater number of ‘dubashes” or ship compradores are Parsis, 146 out of the total of 159 “dubashes” enumerated being of that race. The largest number of machine manufacturers in any one class of the population of the city are Parsis ; and it is also remarkable that the highest number of mechanical engineers and fitters of any single nationality is among the Parsis. The sedentary occupation of tailoring is not in favour with Parsi males, as only one is enumerated. Lastly, there were 6,618 male and 2,966 female mendicants in the city of Bombay ; but of these only five male and one female were Parsis. We are still more proud to be able to record that not a single Parsi female returned herself as living on the wages of shame.

The Parsis have never taken to the meaner occupations, such as those of day-labourers, scavengers, palki-bearers, barbers, washermen, grooms, etc.

In the census report the occupations of the population of Bombay are collected and arranged into seven classes, and we find the Parsis classified as

follows :Males. Females. Professional . . . . 1,940 59 Domestic ; . . . 2,079 416 Commercial . ; : : 3,317 2 Agricultural and pastoral . 67 none Industrial : : , : 3,610 87 Indefinite : ; : : 565 139

Miscellaneous . : . z US ow 22,579