History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


4th. We are worshippers of the cow.

5th. We wear the sacred garment, the sudra or shirt, the kusit or cincture for the loms, and the cap of two folds.

6th. We rejoice in songs and with instruments of music on the occasion of our marriages.

7th. We ornament and perfume our wives.

8th. We are enjoined to be liberal in our charities, and especially in excavating tanks and wells.

9th. We are enjoined to extend our sympathies towards males as well as females.

10th. We practise ablutions with gaomutra, one of the products of the cow.

11th. We wear the sacred girdle when praying and eating.

12th. We feed the sacred flame with incense.

13th. We practise devotion five times a day.

14th. We are careful observers of conjugal fidelity and purity.

15th. We perform annual religious ceremonies on behalf of our ancestors.

16th. We place great restraints on our women during and after their confinements.

The reader is here cautioned against supposing the foregoing to be the fundamental principles of the Parsi religion. The Parsis are not the idolatrous people which the preceding dogmas might lead one

to suppose, and ample opportunity will be given to