History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


Rana of Sanjan, had migrated to other cities of Gujarat.

The emigrants, wherever they located themselves, pursued the quiet and peaceful art of husbandry. But their national energy and courage never seem to have forsaken them, in proof of which an affair at Variay may be cited. A small Parsi colony had settled at that place, which is situated at some distance from Surat. It was at the time under the rule of the Raja of Ratanpur, a Rajput chief. This chief attempted to exact an extraordinary tribute from the Parsis, but the latter, refusing to submit to the extortion, opposed and defeated the troops sent to enforce the demand.

Unable to avenge themselves openly, the soldiers of the raja sought an opportunity of surprising those who had defeated them in the field, and a marriage festival, to which all the Parsis in the place had been invited, was chosen as affording the most favourable occasion for gratifying their cowardly revenge. Unconscious of what was impending, the Parsis were surprised in the midst of their festivities, and, together with the women and children, were ruthlessly massacred by these ruffians. The anniversary of this cruel outrage perpetrated upon the Parsis at Variav is still observed at Surat, and religious ceremonies are performed in honour of those who fell on that disastrous occasion.