History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes
the Sovereign of sovereigns inspire with wisdom and endow with strength her army and navy. Long live the Sovereign, and may the empire flourish. May God annihilate her enemies, and may His blessing rest upon her. May He watch over all the events, and destroy the enemy. I make my prayer and supplications unto Thee, Almighty God, that success may attend the cause of our Queen in the field of battle. May our Queen continue her rule in justice and merey, and may her name and her power be handed down to many generations. May she ever maintain in all its integrity her exalted position, which is Ulumined with light and glory. Such is my prayer. Amen.”
To show how sincere the Parsis were in what they were doing, it must be mentioned that, previous to the prayer, they performed certain religious ceremonies, similar to those which the ancient Zoroastrians were in the habit of performing when their own monarchs were engaged in war with their enemies. At this day the Parsis acknowledge Her Most Gracious Majesty, the Queen of England and Empress of India, as their lawful sovereign, and they therefore feel bound to do that for their present ruler which their forefathers were wont to do for their ancient kings.
When a day was appointed, on the capture of Sebastopol, for a general thanksgiving to the Almighty,